Feral hogs on eastern NC gamelands?

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Aug 26, 2009
North Carolina
Anyone hog hunted any of the gamelands in the southeastern counties of NC? Any tips or specific locations for a hog'n day trip down east?
I've been looking into this and the most info I can come up with was from a post on another forum. http://www.carolinashootersforum.com/archive/index.php/t-50530.html
Here's the most informative reply:
06-03-2009, 11:50 AM
If you want to kill ferel hogs in NC, you can go several places. None are really any type of a big secret, but you do need to know where they are.

What may be the biggest population in the state is in the Neuse River lowlands in southeastern Johnston County, east of Smithfield and west of Goldsboro. There's over 80k acres of river lowlands wilderness down there, and tons of hogs. They've been there for quite a while, escaping from pens and farms when the Neuse floods, most notably in 1996 and 1999 when Hurricanes Fran and Floyd inundated hog farms in the area. Most of the land here is private, but NCSU has a farm down there on State property I believe you can apply for permits on with the WRC.

Caswell County has a hog population on the game lands, notably on Country Line Creek outside of Yanceyville. 22k acres of game lands here, so you'll want to do some scouting.

There has been a population on The Roanoke River game lands in Bertie County also, but I think that many here have been trapped out by the WRC in recent years. I bet they're still there though.

I've heard Sampson County has a population of hogs as well, but I wouldn't know where to go to find them. There are also isolated small populations of them in certain places in Halifax County west of I-95 from what I've heard.
Since I missed deer season I've been anxious to get out in the woods. I figured hogs could provide that opportunity, but I'm semi-new to the area and brand new to hog hunting (There weren't any in my part of MI when I was there, but I hear they're starting to sprout up.) I'm curious as to what other NC'ers have to say.
That was one of the posts I pulled up from my digging around. I don't live too far from the areas mentioned in Johnston Co but I haven't been able to land a place to try. As mentioned, it's mostly private land.

So I'm going to Caswell Game Lands Wednesday for a day trip to scout around the most likely places (river bottoms, etc.). Taking a rifle, but don't really anticipate being able to use it the first time up there. Most of the time will probably be spent glassing the places that are most likely to be holding them from the map.

Thanks for the reply.
Got a tip on a place in the Bladen game lands on the other side of Fayetteville. Might go down and check it out this week.
Just got permission thru a family friend to hunt private land that at one time had a pretty bad problem with them near Cumberland County. They've killed or trapped 16 of them just in the last few weeks, with the adults all going over 300 pounds. Also firmed up the Bladen Lakes location with someone who used to hunt them there. It's looking good for a hog hunt finally. :)
Tons in the swamps on the Bladen Lakes game land. Plenty of private land owners willing to let you hunt hogs (but not deer) on their land. I hunt them around Fairbluff on a friends farm. We kill 20-30 per year with many going over 300+, but we prefer to shoot the smaller, more tender sows that are 50-100lbs. Also, there's good hunting around Clarkton and a good processing place there called Clarkton Processing. Tell Threasa I said hello.....
I'll probably do some scouting/shooting in Bladen next Monday or Wednesday. I had a guy point out the area they hunt, where they've taken hogs almost every trip. The other site, the local one, isn't panning out. There was no hog sign at all. Can't believe they got them all, but there's no sign whatsoever.
hey man i think i made this exact thread over the summer lol

there are supposedly feral hogs in the croatan national forest near great lake but i havent tried for one yet
Got one this morning, a black and white with smallish tusks, about 90 - 100 pounds. 7mm mag high on the shoulder knocked him right down. He actually spun around a little bit. LOL. Looking for a big boiler now to boil and scrape him.

Will hit the spot in Bladen Lakes next Wednesday.
Private farm in Harnett County, near Erwin, NC.

Unless my situation changes over the rest of this week - and it might ... drastically - I'm going to hit Bladen Lakes Wednesday. I'll be scouting around mostly, but will be carrying a .270 pump while doing so. :D
So I have a question about "scouting" and just walking around with a gun in general. I've got my hunting license now but I'm a bit fuzzy on the hunting rules. I've always hunted on private land and only for things that had a season. I know there are no restrictions on hogs, but I'm leery about wandering around with a rifle. If I get stopped, I just say I'm hunting hogs and go on my merry way? Is there anything else I need to be looking out for? I do know that some state lands have gun free areas...

And congrats on the kill, Snakum!
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