Finally got a .357 ...

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Years ago I sold a German Luger to a fellow. It was in fine shape and he asked if there was a story with it. There was and I related it to him. He said that if I would write up the story and sign it, that he would pay extra. It was the first and only such request I'd ever had to do such a thing, but the man said having a story to go along with a used gun made it more valuable to him. I've never been a mystic, but some say when they buy used merchandise, it often doesn't really ever feel like it's theirs. I've had this experience when buying used knives. There's almost always "something" of the original owner that seems to be left behind. Whether this is all imagination, who knows? But when you know the story behing something, then you become part of the story.

So if that Trooper III could speak, I'll bet it would have some stories of its own.
USSR said:
Pay me extra for something, and I'll write up whatever story you want to hear.
"Got it off a dead German!"

Seriously, many officers, at the end of the war sought to curry favor with American officers by presenting to them their own personal Lugers. The U.S. government wanted military personnel to turn in their trophies and the small bag of gold they were given in the event they were captured and needed it. Many gave the gold back, but not the trophies, which they packed in their bags and took home.

In today's military, all bags are searched and trophies confiscated. Ah, the good ol' days. Now you're most likely to be captured by the Taliban.
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