Finished MHI yesterday

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Dec 22, 2004
upstate NY go to school in WNY
So as many here know, Larry Correia, the moderator who posts as 'Correia' wrote a book called Monster Hunter International, or MHI for short.

I was one of the lucky ones to get a pre-order in and recieved the book Monday.


It's nice to see several things that Mr Correia did: (no spoilers here)

Wrote a gun aimed at the gun demographic. Detail without coming off as 'listing', accuracy with facts, and interesting selections of firearms throughout the work.

A big guy who was the hero. Sounds silly, but as a 300lb+ person myself, we tend to stick together and form a support system.

quality writing. This book didn't feel thrown together. This work was somebody's baby and it got a lot of attention. I feel that was well conveyed to the readers.

I don't want to go into plot as I don't want to give anything away, but obtain a copy with confidence. The book is long, but not wordy. Runs a bit over 400 pages, but reads very quickly. Chapters are short enough that you can take regular breaks to do your day to day tasks while still not getting lost on your place.

Great book! I hope this is the first of several to come Correia!

satisfied reader-


ps- as everyone else finishes, lets give our Mod the support of his work! I'll try to write up a decent review to put up on amazon in the next day or so.
I finally got to bed around midnight. Then I started reading and didn't want to put it down. You know, 2 to 6 a.m. just isn't enough sleep for me.

GREAT STORY so far and it just keeps getting better.

Monster Hunter International is Punk Rock in book form, DIY from top to bottom. Fueled by a diet of b-movies, Lovecraftian Cthulu mythos, snappy merc-speak, gun-culture, and twisted humor. This book is a riot from the first snotty chord of the opening fight sequence to the final mosh-pit of pagan power plays.

Corriea takes on every expectation, every horror-movie cliche; plays them and then smashes them onstage. Each time I thought I knew where the tour bus was heading it veered off onto a dirty, dark, bumpy road. Sardonic humor peeking through the oppressive kudzu-draped trees like flashes of sunlight.

The state slogan: Share the wonder that is Alabama takes on a slightly different, slightly insane tone after reading MHI. Other-dimensional time-bubbles would be a great tourist attraction.

Except for all the killing.
Thanks guys.

I put a lot of work into MHI, and so far, mostly everybody has liked it. Pax was an awesome editor, Curly was a great proof reader. And a bunch of people on THR were my initial "focus group".

I need to start another thread where people can discuss, and there can be spoilers. :)

Because I'm just dying to pick folk's brains about details, but nobody wants to spoil it for those that haven't read it yet.

Now post reviews on Amazon! I need to sell more books! :p
I'm still early on in the book but am enjoying it very much. When I'm done I'll join the discussion in the spoilers thread.

Well done, Larry! The binding and printing are very well done too.
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