Firearm Friendly Lawyers?

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May 8, 2008
So since hanging out at THR I've started to take my Concealed weapons permit very seriously, and have been doing a lot of thinking about what actions are appropriate for different scenarios.
One piece of advice which is uncontested and makes complete sense is getting a lawyer immediately should you ever have to use your firearm in defense.
I was thinking about it and I don't know who the heck I would call. I don't have a lawyer, I'm only 24 so I haven't really needed one up to this point in my life. I don't really want to stick myself to a public defender as I'm sure they're massively over loaded and wouldn't give my case the time it deserves.

So I guess my question is how do you go about finding a pro 2a lawyer to call in case you ever need to? I was thinking that it'd be worth it to find one and keep his card, or at least phone number in my wallet right next to my permit in case I ever need it.

My guess is just call around and ask the various lawyers about their position. And if they refuse then just reply "I don't believe it, you'll defend people who murder for fun but you won't defend a guy who's simply exercising his constitutional rights?"

I threw that last part in simply for laughs. Not sure how seriously you should take it.

The easiest thing to do is ask whatever attorney you know who he would recommend as a criminal defense attorney. While it is nice to support a Gunnie/NRA member/2A Aficionado etc., what you need is a criminal defense attorney not an activist. Leave being test case to some other schmuck, you want to get off/out as quick as possible.

Another strategy is to check out for a criminal defense attorney in your area. Martindale is what attorneys use to find other attorneys in another jurisdiction so it is quality- it is not like 800-444-pain. Look for someone with an AV, BV or CV peer-review rating. AV is better but expensive, BV is cheaper but still very good CV is still quality. - I don't know what your budget is.

Either way call them up explain your situation (and tell them you have lots of friends in the same situation :D) and see what they say. I doubt they will ask for a retainer (non-refundable deposit) but they might want to get a feel for you - credit check etc. so that they know you actually have money to pay their fee. This is a good thing, since you might have to call them at 3 am and want them at your side immediately.

Then most importantly don't say anything until you have an attorney, if you actually are involved in a shooting.

I am sure others on this site will disagree but I expect to spend the night in jail if I ever have to shoot someone. Hopefully I will not have to, but I am not saying anything and being taken to jail for the night is the worst that the police on the scene can do to you. If they don't like my silence who cares I already expect the worst they can do to me. My lawyer can work out the criminal charges - and the real prison time later. One night in jail and no record is a hell of a lot better than 3+ years and a record IMHO.
Thanks for the advice Sebastion, that's exactly the tpe of resource I was hoping to find. And Reddbecca I know it was thrown in for laughs(which I did laugh at), but sadly it's one of those "there's a bit of truth in every joke" situations.


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