First post/robbery/big mistake/future action

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I doubt that many stolen guns get used to commit violent crime... the guy who stole that gun wants cash, not expensive firearms...

My apartment was cleaned out while my wife and I were at my parents' one Christmas. The only thing ever recovered was my .38 revolver, and only because it was used in a violent crime in the District of Columbia. I was told at the time that stolen handguns sold for about $50 on the streets in DC. See how well that ban worked?

you did absolutely nothing to feel bad about. you left your property in a locked home, withg a reasonable expectation it would be there when you got back.

I definitely agree with this. You can rightly feel a lot of things, including violated, but guilt should not be on the list. That's for the criminal, not the victim.
Gunsafe, do it. There are ways to hide a gunsafe as well, which you may consider.

Another rule...if you live with roomates, have a "Shut up" rule, where they do NOT talk about your firearm ownership to others.

You did nothing wrong, the criminal on the other hand did. You've made a common mistake, and hopefully you've learned from it and will make sure it's less likely to happen again.
while we're on the subject...

what do you guys use to get to your guns? i have 3 unsecured handguns in the apartment, however if i'm gone i usually pack them somewhere at least hard to find (under bolted/heavy appliances etc).

somethin small that i can get to in a hurry that is affordable. i've been lookin around and been not havin any luck.

is my best bet just to lock all of them up in a traditional combination safe and leave one out at night as a night stand gun when i'm not carrying?
Please tell us that you have a picture and the serial number of the gun that was stolen.

In addition to filing a police report, you should go to all local pawn shops and gun shops and tell them to keep an eye out for that ser no.

There are also websites where you can post your stolen weapon's serial number.

I've refitted my bedstand's drawer with a larger hotel style safe, then placed a mock panel over it to make it less obvious to intruders. It holds my entire collection (yes, it's a small collection, but I also have room for about 2-3 more handguns in there). It's not bolted to the wall or floor since the apartment folks wouldn't take well to that.

My defensive pistol is either on me, or on top of the bedstand as I sleep. If it's not being carried, it's in the safe.
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