First UC, then EF&D, now this....

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Feb 23, 2005
A few months ago, I finally got around to ordering and reading both UC and EF&D. Those two books changed my life.

For those who don't know what we're talking about:



Both are books that simply MUST be read by every human being, particularly those with any interest whatsoever in freedom and liberty.

If you are reading this thread and have not read those two books, please stop reading, order them from Amazon, and then come back here and continue reading this thread.

Also, let me take a moment to thank both John Ross and Matthew Bracken for writing those books. They have truly changed my life.

Anyhow, I came across this book from Jews For The Preservation of Firearm Ownership:

This book, along with EF&D and UC, is another life-changing read.

I must tell you that The State Vs. The People is a difficult read.

It is a difficult read because it is so laden with facts. This is both a curse and a blessing. It is a blessing for obvious reasons; the arguments and points presented are extremely well-documented and researched.

It is a curse because you could literally spend months following web links provided in the book and reading other books that are recommended in TSVSP.

It is a curse because it is such a frightening and eye-opening book that it is difficult to read too much at one time because you might well suffer a coronary because you will become so livid when you discover some of the things our government (and many other govts.) have done.

The book is extremely well-written, however, and it is written in a rather informal tone and it is extremely well laid out.

At the end of every chapter there is a summary of important points, much like a textbook.

The State Vs. The People is a MUST-READ, along with UC and EF&D.

Please do check out all three books. You will not regret it.

Take care.
Both great books. Don't mention to content though or you're bound to get 5,000 tinfoil hat pictures in a row.
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