Florida Sheriff's Org fights Open Carry Bill

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Its a sad state of affairs when LEO's can employ deadly force(and in Florida a gun drawn is deadly force even if not fired) on a citizen whos within the law and not doing anything wrong, and decide to do so before they even get the first call about it(Pre meditated Violation of Rights?)
Typical scare tactics. Nothing new to see here.

"If we let them have guns in public, they'll shoot each other over parking spots!"
Florida sheriffs do not have the money to fight all the court cases and lost cases to continue this sort of garbage...
OC is just a matter of freedom and trust. That is all, nothing more and nothing less. Is this a free country: or not? Does the government trust it's citizens: or not? Restricting method of carry is an infringment on your right to keep and bear arms, if you personally understand it that way: or not.

If you wish to carry concealed, that is fine, but what if your "concealed" weapon inadvertantly becomes visible? In FL that is a no no.

After a statement like that in the OP from a LEO, I would be for working very hard to see that the person making the statement be removed from his position. He is unsafe, just like the NY MTA cop that just shot another cop, just because he saw a man with a "gun". A slung rifle at that.
With all do respect that cop is crazy....Someone will get shot and then sued and he will be removed. It is really a sad situation.
They're going to end up learning the hard way.

Any officer who puts 100% focus on someone legally open-carrying around the police is an idiot. Hell, any officer who ever puts 100% focus on any single person is poorly trained.

Also note:
Citizens may resist unlawful arrest to the point of taking an arresting officers life if necessary. Plummer v. State, 136 Ind. 306. This premise was upheld by the Supreme Court Of The United States in the case: John Bad Elk v. U.S. 529

An illegal arrest is an asault and battery. The person so attempted to be restrained of his liberty has the same right to use force in defending himself as he would in repelling any other assault and battery. State v. Robinson 145ME. 77,72, ATL 260

This brash type of attack (and/or threat thereof) will get officers and/or citizens killed or injured.

Any person that thinks they are too good and should be "the only one" to carry a firearm should probably be first on the list of folks who never should.
OC is just a matter of freedom and trust. That is all, nothing more and nothing less. Is this a free country: or not? Does the government trust it's citizens: or not?

Are you serious or that totally naive and uninformed?

It has never been a free country and no, the gov't does NOT trust you..............try reading the news..........

I, personally am against OC, because i see WAY too many yahoos thinking they are living in a video game.......concealed is concealed............it should be allowed to be a non-crime if inadvertent disclosure happens
freedom is freedom, regardless what some idiot or criminal may do, once you cede that you might as well cede all your rights, its not about what you think should or shouldnt be allowed, bearing arms however you do so is a right that has been violated, its time to take it back
I, personally am against OC, because i see WAY too many yahoos thinking they are living in a video game.......concealed is concealed............it should be allowed to be a non-crime if inadvertent disclosure happens

I'm opposed to freedom of speech because I hear way too many yahoos spewing inciting speech.
except that the 2A is not about you protecting yourself from bad guys, but from your government

Its about the right to bear arms to protect life and liberty, that doesnt mean it isnt including badguys not og the government type...its a section that states multiple things, 1 I have the right to form a 'Militia' or be in one for defense of the state and/or our rights, and that i have the right to carry a gun, or own arms to use to defend my life, my liberty etc

Bear means carry, it doesnt matter how
NavyLT said:
Why y'all so afraid of guns down there in Florida?
I'd love to know. It's sad everytime we have to bring up the "40+ other states" thing.

Then again, Florida normally runs last in education ratings of the 50 states, and I've rarely heard anyone who is well-educated question the statistics of other states, gun crimes, and the safety of armed citizens.
Why y'all so afraid of guns down there in Florida?

"Y'all" doesn't include me. Of course, Florida is an extremely diverse state. North Florida is very different from South Florida. Also, those of us whose families have been here since air conditioning was science fiction think a little different than the newcomers.
This bully-with-a-badge is a politician, not a cop. He doesn't deserve to carry either a badge, or a gun. Sheriffs are elected here in Florida, and I hope this one gets kicked out of office next election.
IDK, im guessing its because all the dang carpetbaggers down here, the snow birds from NY etc...its mostly a few areas
Good points about what guns and 2A are all about but the fact is, "The right of the people to keep and bear arms is to prevent a Government gone rogue." (Thomas Jefferson)
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