Fox poll....hit it

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results after my voting

Not sure. Our Constitution is not something to fiddle with lightly. 1.07%

Yes. The senseless killing of innocent Americans must end. 3.03%

No. It's not guns that are the problem. 95.9%
So, does a "no" vote mean that I don't think the senseless killing of innocent Americans must end?

SILLY poll. The senseless killing of innocent Americans will never end; going about freely in society means mixing with the occasional wack job with a burning desire that he doesn't understand to kill a bunch of people randomly. Infringing the RKBA of the 99.9999% of gun owners who have never and will never shoot anyone without cause won't change that.

Freedom requires that we take certain risks. I'm good with that.
You gotta be kidding me! ""Our Constitution is not something to fiddle with lightly"" goes under the fence sitter's/non-commiter's option of NOT SURE?

And what the hell's with the "senseless killing" line?
This really gets in my nerves.
All of these antis seem to be under the delusion that if guns are banned, then an end to senseless killing is a foregone conclusion.
I'd go as far as to say that the exact opposite is true.

Done, by the way.
The poll was idiotic. But did you see the video for a break down of what an assault weapon. Much better than the poll. It was off to the right side of the poll. an inset pic of an AK.
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How come all these polls I see are way lop sided against gun control but every time you see a Democrat or Obummer talk about it they say most Americans are for gun control. Do these people live in a different America from me?
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