Frightening on many levels

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Mar 10, 2003
I found the following letter on the networked printer at school today. I'm unsure if I'm most angry because of the apparent intent of the letter (assuming my interpretation of this language which looks something like English is accurate) or if I'm angry because this was written by a high school student.

I am bringing it here with all spelling, grammar and punctuation as it appears in the letter:

Dear Senator _________

I am writing this letter to tell you about gun control in the state of Maryland, I thing that we should lower the gun that is been made, because of the killing in the state, and the reason for why the gun should be lower is to let people be fee in their home, there are lots of killing in the state by gun. Gang member kill by other in every city in the U.S.A. today
Is about time to let the gun owner to be more careful of their gun. The punishment with that has the gun with no license, should spent one year for each bullet in the gun, the gun should be 10 year in jail. That will let these that have gun with no license will turn their gun in. then family will be save from gun shooting. My goal is let the law be harder on the gun, and let the gun crime go down reputedly.

I don't like his message.

I don't like his writing skill.

I don't like his spelling.

I damn sure like the fact that a high school student took the time to write a letter to a government official in an attempt to make a difference. Like the message or not somebody taught that kid something. More of us should take the time to write letters.

If that letter were addressed to me, regardless of the topic and my personal feelings for the topic, I would certainly be able to decipher that drivel as sheep food; forced down an impressionable mind by somebody with vision wide enough for only their own views.

And I'm good with run-on sentences too.

Hey Norton, maybe you should have that student reprimanded for using school equipment for uses OTHER than educational....

>>Hey Norton, maybe you should have that student reprimanded for using school equipment for uses OTHER than educational....<<

Hard for me to argue that when I sit during my lunch period perusing THR:p

Spot hit it on the head.....some teacher is using a student to perpetuate their own political agenda.....second time in a week that I've encountered this....

I have kids turn in this illegible trash all of the time and I give it back them and tell them to do it again.....funny, they don't like that much:evil:
...this was written by a high school student.


Yep, and soon he or she will be able to vote and sit on juries too.
Yep, and soon he or she will be able to vote and sit on juries too.

And THAT, ladies and germs, has been the goal of the lefties all along. Get the kids so dumbed-down that THIS moron looks smart, and they wont have any resistance to their schemes.

Think this idiot would make a good juror? All the prosecutor would have to do is point out that the law is the law, and its for YOUR protection, after all. This dipstick would be ready to convict as soon as opening statements were complete.
Very frightening that these students will within a couple of years be out exercising their vote and perpetuating the propaganda that they have been fed.

I'm a voice in the wilderness when it comes to the school....but I can only keep trying....
Someone set up us the bomb.
What you say?
We get transmission.
On screen.

Welcome gentlemen. All your base are belong to us.
All your base are belong to us.

NOOOOOO!!! You didnt just post that! Tell me I'm seeing things! Now I'm gonna have that friggin video in my head! (I dont even know WHAT game that was from, I just remember seeing the video somewhere on the 'Net)
I see this often. Too often. The sad part is, I was a Instructor Trainer. The scary part is, I trained emergency responders.
...Is about time to let the gun owner to be more careful of their gun. The punishment with that has the gun with no license...
Another shining example of our tax dollars at work... :banghead:

HR sends me resume's to review when I need to replace or hire new employees. I have in the past noted not a few whose writing skills are equivalent to or even worse than that of the subject of this post. When I find them I don't bother wasting anymore of my time reviewing them - into the waste basket they go.

I would hope that my congress critter would do the same. The thoughts and feelings of illiterates in a democracy are in my opinion irrelevant. Lucky for the illiterate our current crop of congress critters pander to them most enthusiasticly. :fire:
Like the message or not somebody taught that kid something.

If I were the Senator who received such a letter, I'd be visiting that school the next day!

The future of the USofA is ominous. Ominous indeed!
Wow. I'd listen to him/her. They seem to know what they're talking about. There were some good ideas in that letter, the one year for every bullet for example. I'm impressed public schools have gotten good enough since I left to teach the concept of dynamic punishment. 6 years for those loveable but misguided revolver owners, 30 for those assualt rifle crackpots. Makes me feel good that he/she will be an influential part of society when I'm old and feeble.

Ya' know, I'm sensing some sarcasm here.
-Thats good, I was spreading it pretty thick.

Pls forgiv speling an gramr i viktm of sam skol.
Kneejerk reactions: mine versus others.

If the letter is the product of a native English speaker of high school age, it is, of course, deplorable. If, on the other hand, it is the product of an "F.O.B" (fresh off the boat) non-native speaker of English, it is laudable. If the product of a very recent arrival, highly laudable. Not, IMHO, for its point of view, but for the level of participation it suggests If it was, indeed, written by a newly arrived non-English speaker, it puts many, perhaps most, Americans to shame.

Laudable or deplorable, do the sad, tired, predictable, nearly automated responses I have just read really contribute anything?
Look at the syntax and construction. It isn't the way a poor speaker of English generally writes. It really does resemble a foreign language. Resorting to the infinitive when you can't remember the correct verb conjugation, for instance, is common behavior for people speaking a language they haven't really mastered. I know I've done that in Spanish many times.

"Gang member kill by other" is not indicative of poor but native English, either.
If it is someone who isn't fluent in English there is still no excuse for this rubbish. If they haven't spent enough time in the US to learn the language, then for damned sure they haven't spent enough time to learn about the history, culture, Constitution, and research REAL FACTS (like FBI crime reports) in order to make an informed decision on what policies to lobby for.
How do you know it was a student and not a teacher?

Given some of the teacher-creatures I've encountered I would not be suprised if it was someone who worked for the school.
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