Ft Hood murderer uses the FN 5.7 x 28 cartridge

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Feb 4, 2003
Isnt this the modern day version of 7.62 x 25 Tokarev round? Said round 5.7 is known to penetrate body armor and preferred by druglord syndicates and criminals.
Isnt this the modern day version of 7.62 x 25 Tokarev round?

No. A modern Tokarev round would be the 357 SIG. The 5.7x28mm round is more like a much less powerful .22 Hornet.

Said round 5.7 is known to penetrate body armor and preferred by druglord syndicates and criminals.

The 5.7 is available in armor piercing, but only if one secures the SS190 or L191 which are only available to law enforcement and military.

I don't know about the "druglord syndicates and criminals" part.... that kind of comment has really no place here.
i guess we now know how this round does against people. tragic way to find out. Other than war, i don't know if there is a non-tragic way to find out.
" and preferred by druglord syndicates and criminals. "
where in the world did THAT come from......sheeeeesh
Said round 5.7 is known to penetrate body armor and preferred by druglord syndicates and criminals.

Thank you, Brady Bunch. Can we now get back to our regularly scheduled programming?
Classy D: My apologies. I was just unfortunately making the point that is so often lost that most all guns are murder machines in the wrong hands. Caliber is not the killer.
Thank you for correctly calling him a murderer, and thank you for correctly not using his name. I will never say the names of these people. They should be executed and buried in unmarked graves.

It does appear that in this case, the higher capacity of the 5-7 played a role. The specific details have not yet been released, but it appears that he fired a LOT without reloading and did a LOT of damage. He had a higher hit and kill ratio than most other similar events.

The modern FN 5.7 round has slightly more energy from a pistol-length barrel than a .22 magnum has from a rifle-length barrel. We have participated in heated discussions in whether or not this is necessary or beneficial. I have decided that I would not use this for a carry gun, it's very big, and I am not at all convinced it will do more damage than my .45. I suppose if one had a specific need to have a gun to fire into other cars, which is possible in today's society, it would be good to have, but if I were in that situation, I would prefer to be using a rifle anyway.

Yes, look for a resurgence from the antis about this evil black rifle in pistol form.
The media is already using the "cop killer' moniker. FOX news has already botched any reporting accuracy . I predict the gun is going to take a lot of the blame for this mess.
I like the 5.7 as a range gun. It's very reliable (Glock-like) and is really easy to shoot. Highly accurate. I've carried it under coat a few times - it's very light. It's really fun to target shoot and would make a small game hunter happy. I hope we don't lose this one when it's mis-described as a concealable assault rifle. I have a few 19 and 20 round pistols and this particular caliber is not unique in that. There will be a movement to "Barney" us down to 1 bullet guns, and then take away IT away from us leaving us with empty barrels.
Do we have a source for the assertion that the murderer used a 5.7mm? I've not seen anything to the contrary, but the only article that I've seen that talks about what tools were used is this one. It states "Investigators allege that [the murderer] used two handguns, a semi-automatic and .357, in the attack. It is possible that the .357 contributed to more kills than the 5.7, but I doubt we're going to get that sort of breakdown from the media, which is too bad. I'd like at least some good to come from this tragedy.
So are they now going to drop their argument that the dangerous super "assault weapons" should only be in the hands of the military?
RedMinotaur: I think we have had good come from this. A tiny female, well trained and brave, walked into whatever awaited her and did her job and lived. She is a model to us all.
Said round 5.7 is known to penetrate body armor and preferred by druglord syndicates and criminals.
The 5.7 is available in armor piercing, but only if one secures the SS190 or L191 which are only available to law enforcement and military.

Not exactly true. Body armor and "armor piercing" are not the same in regard to ammo. "Armor piercing" has nothing to do with the ability to pierce soft body armor. Soft body armor is able to be pierced by a lot of non-AP ammo, especially spire tipped jacketed ammo where the tip allows the ammo the pass between the kevlar fibers much like an ice pick (such as the old M193 5.56 ball ammo), or by ammo that just blunt force powers through it (blunt and HP .45-70 rounds have no problems passing through Level IIIa panels at 100 yards based on testing I have done). Regular 5.7x28 ammo is spire tipped and apparently does have some success with passing through IIa and sometimes Level II soft body armor, but apparently has problems with IIIa.
So are they now going to drop their argument that the dangerous super "assault weapons" should only be in the hands of the military?
Its performance is no different than any other handgun cartridge.

The general rule of thumb is that 1 out every 4 people shot with a handgun survives.

The results show there's nothing exceptional about the wounding effects of this cartridge.
They should be executed and buried in unmarked graves.

Actually, I was thinking more like...well, ever heard of what happened to King Philip? From wikipedia

He was beheaded, drawn and quartered (a traditional treatment of criminals in this era). His head was displayed in Plymouth for twenty years.


That'd do the trick. Dunno where the best place to put the head is, but I can't solve every problem...
I can't believe the round allegedly used is not only being discussed, but has two duplicate and redundant threads talking about the same thing.

Any decent hunting round will defeat any body armor someone is willing to wear all day. What matters is that this murderer took a firearm, pointed it at people for no good reason, and pulled the trigger.
The hardware is not important.
The shooter's motivations and affiliations don't matter.
The capacity of the magazines is irrelevant.
Watch for comments, I believe on CNN, from one of their "consultants" who I believe is a ret. Army or Marine Gen'l, and for sure a CMOH winner. For the latter reason, I'm inclined to believe or respect his opinion a little more than others. Won't repeat my recollection of the comments because I can't remember the consultant's name, and wasn't listening closely enough to quote accurately. His comments don't diminish the extent or root cause(s) of the tragedy, but do or might relate to the details of the brief firefight that caused so many deaths and injuries.
I love hearing how everyone bashes the 5.7 and I hope people don't go buy it....cause that leaves more ammo for me to buy and for those who says the ammo is expensive...well, I don't mind paying $20 for a 50 rd box.
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