Girlfriend wants to get CHL!! Please suggest some guns and carry rigs...

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Gun show this weekend? Damn we should go. Isn't "the place to shoot" pretty expensive? At this point just about the only way I can get Jenny to shoot is if we're alone at the range.
You have to be a member...I was for a # of years. Membership is like $30-50 for a year and the first range fee is included. The range rates are like $10 no time limit. I stopped going not cause of the $$ but because I couldn't practice any defensive gun skills (drawing, shooting/moving etc...) It's worth taking a look and at least seeing if they have rentals similar to what your considering and getting the info. They've always been very friendly and have training courses too. Good luck, I'll see you at the beenie baby table tomorrow.:D
Tequila..has your wife tried out a RAMI? CZ engineers too ok the So so

somewhat albatross of the lineup CZ40B and turned it into a smaller version..a real bird of prey:)


I'm off the CZ kick for now. My next baby is a Sig P220. She loves the CZ 40 though, I think she likes the look of it too. It's going to be her go-to gun, I can already see it.
In Texas, you have to qualify with either a semi auto or revolver (.32 & up). Qualifing with a semi auto allows you to carry anything you want (SA Stamp). The NSA stamp (Non Semi Auto) pretty much restricts you to revolvers. So here, to get the CHL, I'd say get qualified with the semi auto. Qualify with a rented Glock or S&W Sigma (both 9mm) if she really doesn't know much about how handguns work.

Now as to what to actually carry - if she doesn't have a particular preference for anything - I'd recommend a S&W M-36 .38Spl (or something similar). Adequate power, easy to operate, small & concealable, recoil adjustible from mild to heavy, reliable, accurate, etc. Such a revolver is just about perfect for someone who isn't particularly "into" handguns - but desires a reasonable level of personal protection.

Actually such a revolver is what I carry most of the time. Primarily for convenienance sake - and I really don't care to screw around with something that requires a lot of practice and constant maintenance to be assured it will "work every time".
Same size as my wife.

Your GF is about the same size as my wife. I got my wife shooting and now CCW in short order, so here's my advice.

1) Find out whether she prefers revolvers or autos. Her decision ENTIRELY. If you push her, she A) won't like the gun and B) may cool off shooting.

2) Buy or borrow a .22 for her to learn the fundamentals. Not master marksman stuff, just the fundamentals. Get her used to the idea that she is in control of the weapon, it does not have a mind of it's own.

3) Go pick out a carry piece. This is the hard part, as all your input is done before she walks into the shop. Find a shop you trust. Not one you like to hang out and BS in, not one with the lowest prices. Tell them what is going to happen. You're bringing her in to buy, they are to advise her on pro's and con's, help her find one that fits her well. You are to do nothing more than hang out on the edges of the transaction. This is important. Something about the female of the species. Gunshop Guy will tell her the same as you would. The difference? She'll listen to him.

4) Have plans to shoot that day. No marathon sessions, maybe not even 100 rounds. But definatey shoot that day. Kinda cements the deal in her mind.
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