Glaser Safety Slug

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May 18, 2013
Doing some research on the history of the Glaser Safety Slug, particularly the inventor, a guy named Canon, his buddy Armin Glaser, and the guy who took over the business, Kurt Canon. Please PM me if you had any interaction with these characters.
I coulda swore someone here said he knew him..

It may well be in one of these threads..

Good luck.
I saw a post by a gentleman who goes by the handle "fase3" who said he knew Canon. But fase3 hasn't been on in a year or so. From other forums I gather that his name is Chris, he's from Pointe Coupee, LA, and he's a recent widower. But in the event I can't make contact with him, I'm hoping that there are others who may have known the guys I asked about. The research so far is a little thin.
Maybe someone resents the subjects of the inquiry being referred to as "characters" :scrutiny:
Could be. From what little I've already discovered, I think the term certainly applies to the inventor of the Safety Slug. Probably less so for the other two. But I'm hoping that the members of this board are made of sterner stuff, regardless.
You show up here with 7 posts, "researching" "characters" and you hope we are made of "sterner stuff". Well, alrighty then. Maybe we have a right to know what kind of stuff you are made of before we answer your questions. Just sayin', whether you should be answered or not, I don't know the gentlemen.

If your interests are legitamate, you would probably get a better response by stating your purpose a bit more clearly. Are you writing a book? Skip-chasing? Working on a lawsuit?
You show up here with 7 posts, "researching" "characters" and you hope we are made of "sterner stuff". Well, alrighty then. Maybe we have a right to know what kind of stuff you are made of before we answer your questions. Just sayin', whether you should be answered or not, I don't know the gentlemen.

If your interests are legitamate, you would probably get a better response by stating your purpose a bit more clearly. Are you writing a book? Skip-chasing? Working on a lawsuit?
Sir, at least 2 of the guys I'm researching I know to be dead, so your concerns, while admirable, are misplaced. As to my purposes, I'm a free man going about my own business. If I've offended you with the term "character," please feel free to ignore me.

If there are others out there who might want to engage in conversation on the matter, please feel free to PM me.
we are made of 'sterner stuff". you purpose seems nefarious, sir. our intentions are not misplaced, and you will get all the attention you deserve.


p.s. welcome to the high road.
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we are made of 'sterner stuff". you purpose seems nefarious, sir. our intentions are not misplaced, and you will get all the attention you deserve.

Seems nefarious based on...?

Thanks for chiming in.

For anyone with any real information about the gentlemen about whom I inquired, please feel free to PM me, paranoid commenters notwithstanding.
Everyone please remember the name of this place and hope the moderators do not drop like a ton of bricks on someone's head.

Manners please.

I will now add an inane kBob Story to the mix......

Writer friend used to have an Astra Constable as a car gun. Some well meaning person introduced him to the idea of mixing or staggering his ammo selection. He had a Glaser up the spout, some hollow point up next and an FMJ.....repeat til magazine was full.

He ran over a chicken on the way home. It was badly injured. Being a city boy it never occurred to him to just wring the chicken's neck or even run over it again. He detirmed the right thing to do was put the poor bird out of its pain......and well they shoot horses, don't they.

It occurred to him that the Glaser cost what three other rounds cost so he jacked back the action and caught that first Glaser in his hand. Aiming center mass of the shuddering prostrate avian form he let loose a .380 Hollow point through The Chicken.

THE Chicken being a big "starts with a four" fan immediately lept to its feet to prove the innefectual nature of .380 ammo. As it staggered about our hero let fly with the next round, an FMJ. THE CHICKEN now began running in circles about the feet of our hero, who in a state of shock and now near panic let fly with a third round.

This happened to be a Glaser.

He described the results of this shot as an exploding chicken, complete with flying body fluids.

I decided that from now on, no matter what field reports say of defensive uses on humans might say, when I check the water and feed in the Coop and harvest the eggs I will be certain my chicken protection gun is loaded with Glasers.....

Camaraderie seemed to be the essence of THR and that’s why I joined. Learning and sharing our love of firearms was at the core of our fellowship.

I don’t have any idea what Manchu’s motives are as a “member”, but in researching all his posts I don’t see his presence here as being anything but self serving.

Nothing wrong with research, but when you start asking about my fellow members, whom you refer to as "characters”, without letting us know the who an why about you then no information would be forthcoming from me until I was satisfied that you will not harm them.

Based on the above, who are you Manchu and why do you want the information?
Camaraderie seemed to be the essence of THR and that’s why I joined. Learning and sharing our love of firearms was at the core of our fellowship.

I don’t have any idea what Manchu’s motives are as a “member”, but in researching all his posts I don’t see his presence here as being anything but self serving.

Nothing wrong with research, but when you start asking about my fellow members, whom you refer to as "characters”, without letting us know the who an why about you then no information would be forthcoming from me until I was satisfied that you will not harm them.

Based on the above, who are you Manchu and why do you want the information?
JackDaniel, thanks for chiming in. But if you don't want to answer, don't. That's how adults operate.

You're the second person to take issue with my use of the word "character". I spent 45 minutes recently talking to a man who spent a lot of time with Mr Canon, and that was HIS description. Based on some of the stories he shared, "character" might even be a polite euphemism.

Putting that aside, the focus on my choice of the word "character" doesn't see in keeping with gentlemen with an interest in firearms and ammunition. It seems more like the province of pedantic, liberal, 30-year old, perpetual graduate students. I find it odd for grown men who don't match that description to get their panties in a twist over that one word.

And while I find it ironic for a guy hiding behind the name of a whiskey brand (albeit a very good one) to be asking me who I AM, I'll tell you a little about me. I'm a retired Army officer with 21 years of service. I'm researching a guy (Canon) who was ALSO a retired Army officer. And that's it. The rest isn't your business if you don't have any information. So good day, sir.
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