Glenn Beck

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Sep 8, 2005
Under tyranny in Midwest
Wow is he mad at Bush.
Today and yesterday he is asking for everyone to call the GOP and Dem headquerters to ask everyone to remove themselves from their "registered voters" list and claim Independent instead.

He's finally livid with Bush and congress with the Illegal amnestly bill.
And the fact the Congress is no longer listening to the people.

He also stated that the another day he was in Texas and for the first time in his life (hes 43) in 24 hours he heard 11 comments from people that if congress does not start listening, that its time to "lock and load". He was amazed.

little DieHard quote here.."welcome to the party pal!"

(I dont have access to his beck 'insider' audio archive to post it)
It is clear that the President and Congress are not upholding their oath of office (the part about supporting and defending the Constitution...).
ask everyone to remove themselves from their "registered voters" list and claim Independent instead.
Great plan. :rolleyes: Let the primaries go to a milk-toast, middle-of-the-road, stands-for-nothing candidate who then gets buried in the general election by Obama or Hillary.

How about we hold Congress' feet to the fire and challenge the spineless ones later in the primaries.
11 comments from people that if congress does not start listening, that its time to "lock and load". He was amazed.


What is locking and loading going to accomplish? Are these 11 people gonna go around shooting Mexicans or something? Are they gonna mount an assault on Capitol Hill?

I'm all for holding a few feet to the fire, but the only way I know to do that is through stopping my fairly regular, though modest contributions to the RNC. I tried to explain to a caller from the RNC the reasons they would get no further financial support from me until they started dancing with those who brought them, but he wasn't interested in my dissatisfaction, just my money.

I'm fully aware you don't win by losing. How do you get the attention of those who could turn things around, though, short of withdrawing from them and letting them get tossed out? They apparently AIN'T listening!

What are people in Texas so mad about?

- The immigration bill?
- Gov. Perry's betrayal on immigration among other issues?
- Katrina Refugees?
- Big Brother on the highways?
- Real ID?
- Passports to go to Mexico? (Until you have seen 5000 different PO'd people standing in line every single day for months on end you have not lived.)

People are just getting warmed up.

Locking and Loading? Sounds like grandstanding to me. We would never tell a Yankee such a thing (or wherever he is from).
I've been a pretty big Bush supporter for most of his time in office, but I'm parting ways with him on the Shamnesty fiasco. He ramrodding a bill through that has little citizen support, and he's expecting us to accept it. Not likely.
While the defenders of the Alamo put on a good show, it fell to members of other states to teach them how to fight. Seems three of the top 5 commanders in the Alamo were from SC including one William Barrett Travis of Charleston.
Today and yesterday he is asking for everyone to call the GOP and Dem headquerters to ask everyone to remove themselves from their "registered voters" list and claim Independent instead.

Best thing to come out of his mouth in a while, perhaps he is coming around to the Ron Paul way of thinking.
Seems like he is digging holes for future G.O.P. candidates and they are not very happy with it either. Does he not know where his ranch is in texas?
This time, it really has very little to do with money. The Amnesty bill is part of a bigger picture - The North American Union. It began with Clinton signing the NAFTA agreement, and is continuing with Bush trying to "open the borders". Next comes the Trans Texas Corridor, the first of of the NAFTA SuperHighway System, then, little by little, the end of American Soverignty. It does not matter who you vote for, the end is in sight. The only hope as I see it, is to emigrate to a State that will not tolerate such actions (Vermont, Montana, Alaska) and brace for secession and possible civil war. Keeping your guns and getting more guns into the hands of the people is the only thing that will force the Govt to listen. They disarmed Europe, and it fell like a house of cards. We're next. Then comes Oceana (Australia), the Asian Union, The African Union, and so on. Leading to a one world government. But don't take my word for it, research it for yourselves. I wish I were making it up. I really do.
I had a call from the RNC and the guy asked me my opinion of the President.I told the guy that I thought he was doing as good a job as his father did...:rolleyes:

He didn't get it cause he thanked me and asked for money.I politely declined...
I called the RNC and told them to take me off every list they had.
The gal asked for my complete name , address and phone #:uhoh:
I said if you cant figure it out with my name and zip forget it. :rolleyes:
Where has this rage been the past 20 years? Where was it a few years ago during the Minuteman thing? Where was it during the Clinton years? I don't see this as genuine. If they were really angry enough to blow stuff up, we would be seeing it in the news.

And we don't need angry people to stay home or register as independents, we need them to vote in the damn republican primary. We need someone who is solidly anti-illegal-immigration or we will just continue to get this death of a thousand cuts by people who don't care about border security.
I voted for Bush and am not sorry, but I also have been dissatisfied with his performance lately.
He has shown weakness regarding the firings of the attorneys. He should have told Congress that they serve at his pleasure, and he can fire them because of the color of their eyes if he wants to, and to go fly a kite. Also for them to get on with something useful.

I have never liked the Attorney General, but would not fire him over that particular issue. I would fire him as he has permitted prosecution of the wrong people, such as the Border Patrol agents.

The immigration bill is amnesty and I don't care what they call it. I wrote the RNC and told them they could expect no more support from me.
I might make an exception in the case of Heather Wilson, although she is not my representative. But no one else has a chance of getting a penny for me until they clean up their act.

I won't vote for any of the current front runners, but I hope someone will replace them, and I can vote for him. I hate to see Clinton or Obama get in, but I am not going to vote for the current front runners in the Republican party.

I fear that the Republicans are going to take a real whipping in 2008.

Titan: It's not passports to go to Mexico, it's passports to come from Mexico! How many Latin Americans look like a sizable portion of the legal citizens of Texas!? How many Iranians can easily look Latin American. You either want security of the homeland or you don't. Which is it?
I fear that the Republicans are going to take a real whipping in 2008.

I wouldnt be so sure. I think the Democrats are making bad choices on who they are making their nominees. I suspect Hilary and Obama are a bit far to the left for most of America...sort of like if the Republicans nominated Trent Lott right now...too far to the right for most of America.
"I fear that the Republicans are going to take a real whipping in 2008. "

I doubt the Republicans will ever again have a majority in the House or Senate, nor win the Presidency.
I think both sides are really disappointing the ordinary citizen. The 2008 election needs a "none of the above" option on the ballot
The last time everyone got mad at a Bush they voted independent and a Clinton won

Yeah, lets not repeat that ugly part of our history friends.

I am on the Republican Central Committee up here. I can tell you most of us are very unhappy about the shamnasty bill. We may be Republican's but when the President is wrong we tell him and our Representatives and Senators in Congress. We do not march in lock step when the President is wrong. We are not lemmings going over the cliff like Dems can be. It is telling Harry Reid can only get 32 votes for the current bill and most Republicans oppose the bill. So don't punish the Republicans in '08 for a man who will not be on the ticket.

Vote for the Democrats in '08 and you can count on them raising your taxes, banning your guns, hand you defeat in the war against Islamofascist terrorists and they will give illegal aliens amnesty. Once they realize this it will be a rallying cry for the right and all Americans with a modicum of common sense.
I fear that the Republicans are going to take a real whipping in 2008

And we're the ones going to pay the price. I DO think we are seeing some parts of the country waking up to what goes on in Washington because of the Shamnesty bill. I also think that the representatives that have changed their tune are realizing their jobs actually do rest on the people. I have become disappointed in Bush's latest set of policies, but I think the Gore/Kerry alternative time-line would have killed us all by now. I think the Pres is starting to buckle under the idea that he's essentialy a lame-duck now. I think he should focus on ticking off Pelosi on a daily basis and give up the Shamnesty thought process.
---Vote for the Democrats in '08 and you can count on them raising your taxes, banning your guns, hand you defeat in the war against Islamofascist terrorists and they will give illegal aliens amnesty. Once they realize this it will be a rallying cry for the right and all Americans with a modicum of common sense.---

I am sorry I lost a train of thought here so how is this different than what we have we the current repubs? The party that lost it's soul and has expanded the size of the government, collected more taxes, driven us deeper into debt, giving amnesty, restricted our freedoms, curtailed the bill of rights, expanded authortarian rule and NOT won the ehh what did you call it; ''the war against Islamofascist terrorists''?

Oh yeah guns.

Your front runners Rudy and Romeny are pro gun! Romney joined the NRA! He must be one of us now! Oh wait he supports the AWB. Never mind. Go sell Crazy somewhere else....
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