Got a call from my congressman about the AWB

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Dec 31, 2002
I wrote Congressman Rob Bishop (UT) a couple weeks ago about how I was opposed to any extension of the assault weapon ban. Well, to my surprise, I actually got a call from him tonight and he told me he's opposed to it as well and wants to see it disappear.


I have wrote a few letters to different politicians in the past... but when it comes to replies I've never received a personal telephone call from any of them. Rob Bishop has definitely got my vote!
They're not ALL bad-

Yeah, I've written a lot of letters & emails too- mostly to little result. I'm handicapped by being registered to vote in the PRK, so both Senators (Feinswein & Boxer) are much worse than useless, they're actually dangerous.

So it's at least a little consolation to know that Rep. Duke Cunningham is on our side! Here's an email that I recently received from him:
May 30, 2003

Mr. R. Denis Wauchope
[address deleted]

Dear Mr. Wauchope:

Thank you for contacting me with your strong opposition to
additional gun control legislation. Like you, I believe we can fight
crime and youth violence without trampling on the Second Amendment
rights of law-abiding citizens.

As you know, in January 2003, the new 108th Congress convened.
Already both proponents and opponents of Second Amendment rights are
introducing legislation regarding gun ownership. As I consider which
legislation to support this year, I will stand by my strong principles.
We must take every step to combat crime, particularly gun crime --
something the Clinton Administration has failed to do. I intend to
support measures similar to the successful EXILE program. We should also
focus on violent criminals who use guns and ensure that they are swiftly
and severely punished for breaking the law.

You can be assured that as the Congress considers this issue, I will
keep your thoughts and strong support for the Second Amendment in mind.
Thanks again for contacting me. It is an honor to serve as your
congressman. Please do not hesitate to contact me again with any of your
questions or concerns.

With Sincerely,

Randy "Duke" Cunningham
Member of Congress

I've received snailmail from him as well, which details his strong support of the 2A (which isn't really apparent from his email above.) He's got my vote, and I make sure he knows it, and why.

who wishes a lot more pollies were like this one
Well that seems to be something rare these days. May the habit catch on with his peers.

I've written a number of letters and made calls, but have yet to actually hear anything back. But I assume that they're counting comments and paying attention to this issue.
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