Got into a bad situation the other night

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not being there, i say you did good.

I would not have pulled in beside her. I would have kept the car where i could have used it going forward to get the odds to a more managable level.

I would have probably stuck the snubby between my legs as soon as i got in car or under my thigh. Regardless ofthe law about having to have it displayed, I think displaying it would have escalated the situation at that point. As soon as the guy touched my window and tried to get at me or was in any way pulling on the window i would have moved the car. I would have just layed on the horn. I also would have had the young lady in your car call 911 immediately. Even if it meant you had to pull into the street and then turn around I would have kept them chasing me. Let her have time to get the incapcitated one into the car and then leave.

I would ask the bar if they have surviellence cameras of the parking lot and if they saved the tape. I would have filed a police report.
They are guilty of at least assault, attempted battery, and making of terroristic threats. all felonies.
Very well written. You presented your predicaments in an orderly fashion, and I have no problems understanding how you found yourself from A to B to C.

Not knowing the layout of the parking lot, I think that I would have tried to have more distance to the situation so that the BGs weren't "challenged" by your intrusion. They have big "personal space" when it comes to someone ????ing up their agenda.

If you had been a voice shouting "Hey, you coming?" 30 yards away from behind some headlights, do you think they would have responded differently? At least it would have been a more elaborate and less cool sneak-up by the guy wrestling with your car window.

And of course the call to the police. However, it is a wicked to say exactly when you should have called them. I don't think you get much priority when you are just "concerned", especially at the time when the night clubs close. Just like you leaving them in the bar... you are never sure wether you are in one of the unlucky cases that actually will turn ugly until it actually turns ugly.

I think it is pretty drastic to say that you don't want to go out with those girls anymore. You should give them an earful, sure, and that they should take your advice next time. And, of course, that they agree that this was sheer stupidity rather than "we have guys who will save us".
Wait a minute.....

Can you legally carry in bars in Ohio? Are you allowed to drink while carrying in Ohio? I have no idea. Just curious.
No you can't carry in bars in Ohio. I posted earlier that I had left the guns in the car.

There is nothing to say you can't drink while carrying in Ohio. But there is a law about operating a motor vehicle under the influence. I was not drinking either.
If it were me I'd tell the drunk chick she owed me the right to give a Dirty Sanchez and a steak dinner for bailing her out of a certain rape.:evil:

Seriously, good job. Those primates will get whats coming to them sooner or later.
You made the best of a bad situation IMO. If I ever get stuck in the middle of something similar I hope to do half as well.
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