Grip Tape Question

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Moderator Emeritus
Dec 20, 2002
Here's a stupid question:

For people who put grip tape / skateboard tape on your handguns, where on the grip do you prefer to put it? The front strap seems the obvious place, but does anyone prefer it someplace else? If so, why?


Good morning.
I used to put it on the front strap and the front of the trigger guard because I didn't know the proper grip, now I just put it on the front strap.
Thanks. I was experimenting with it on the backstrap, too, but I wasn't liking what I was feeling. Now it's just on the frontstrap.

i put it on the front strap and the side panels. i put it there because it gives me a good textured grip, it is where my hands have the most contact with the grip(the palms of the 2 hands) here is a pic.
I have found a section cut out of a bicycle innertube works better for me on my Glocks and AR's. I have some of the tape on 1 of my 1911's. I took the grips off and let it run under the grip before replacing them and it looks prety good. I don't have to worry about the corners coming unglued and peeling with the grip over it.
I put skateboard grip take on the front strap of my Sig 228.
It's rough enough for me that there's really no need for it anywhere else.
If I had a gun that was really smooth on the backstrap and grips then I might consider putting a small piece on the lower right of the backstrap.

Skateboard tape is very cheap, something like $1 for 3 feet.
It's too rough for me though.
Whenever I put some on a gun, I'll take some 400 grit wet/dry sandpaper and smooth it out before putting it on the gun. It's still very rough, but at least the tape doesn't sand skin off my fingers.
I mostly use skateboard tape, as its slightly less abrasive and aggressive, with a finer grit than the skid tape. Its also about half the cost, about $6 for a 9" x 34" sheet vs about $10 a roll for a 2" x 15' skid tape. You also get more size and shape options than you will from the skid tape rolls.

I use it mostly on the front straps of my pistols, but on my Glocks I use it on the side panels, and other places on other guns, depending on the gun. I also use it on all my guns, not just the pistols.

I saw those gun specific decals and ordered one for the Glocks. I figured I'd at least get a pattern for the others if nothing else. They are somewhat generic as to fit, and I was better off with what I had done already, as it was basically a custom fit for me. For what you get with one sheet of skateboard tape at about 1/2 the price, you can screw up to your hearts content, and still be ahead. If you dont screw up to bad, you can do probably every gun in your house for $6 and still have plenty left over.
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