Gun and pregnancy pictures rile some.

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You are pointing the weapon at something you obviously don't intend to destroy and your finger appears to be on the trigger. That's two of the four rules violated

finger was not on the trigger. gun was aimed at a tree behind a camera.

No safety rules were broken
Would these folks freak at a stuffed lion? In Africa 500 people are eaten by lions each year.

Toy cars? How many children have died in auto accidents?

They are, of course, demonstrated unreasonable fear and being quite rude in their comments.

But maybe aiming directly at the camera is a tad threatening to the viewer and not the best idea? Also not good safety.
This is the kind of thing that will really set off the type of people who fear weapons. They hate the idea of weapons being used carelessly and are quite frightened by the concept. If you posted pictures of your family shooting at a range, with hearing and eye protection, or in some other capacity (even, say, if you had a holstered weapon on your hip) it would probably have elicited a much less potent reaction.
Uh. The people responding to his picture couldn't have told you the safety rules, or described careless weapons handling if their life had been on the line. They likely feel that any gun ownership by citizens is careless.

Lots of people pose with firearms. The world is chock full of pictures of hunters with their rifle and deer, or cops with one hand resting on their sidearm. This guy went a step further and had the gun drawn. So what?

Safety rules are not inviolable edicts akin to the laws of physics. So long as he had to make a conscious decision to point his gun at something which wasn't a target, aware that doing so risks the item's destruction, there is no problem. Only if he took the picture without thinking about the safety consequences should he be chastised.
What's surprising? You post a picture of yourself pointing the gun in the direction of the camera to illicit a reaction and you got it.

People's fear of weapons comes from the fear of others not being responsible with them, and handling them in a cavalier and threatening manner only confirms their preconceived notions.
Psst- Psssniper...

Chimps are apes, not monkeys.

(Hey, y'all would've dogpiled on someone if they'd erroneously called that Tomcat in the pic a "Colt Python revolver"- fair's fair!) :D
I will show my weapons to close friends who have an interest. Other than that I don't go out of my way to let anyone know I have them.

Or stated another way:
Suh - sum'a my best friends ahhh black. However I don't go out of my way to let anyone know I have them.

Now that's a perfect example of a man truly proud that he's a free American and a gun owner - NOT! :banghead:

"Or stated another way:
Suh - sum'a my best friends ahhh black. However I don't go out of my way to let anyone know I have them.

Now that's a perfect example of a man truly proud that he's a free American and a gun owner - NOT!"

How do you get that out of my preference not to flash my firearms around?

Your insulting, comments are not appreciated and are not what is expected from members of this forum.

Enough said.
I don't look at pictures where the gun is aimed at the camera. I have no problem with guns or pregnant women, I've just (unlike most people) actually experienced having guns pointed at me. When you've had that happen you take a slightly different view to suddenly having that pop up on your screen. ;)
How do you get that out of my preference not to flash my firearms around?
Are you as tight lipped about your other hobbies? If you were a photographer would you hide your pictures? I hope you're not a gardener - it'd be mighty tough to hide those flowers.
I will show my weapons to close friends who have an interest. Other than that I don't go out of my way to let anyone know I have them
Statements like these remind me of those folks who are ashamed of their mentally handicapped children or hide the fact that their sons or daughters are homosexual.

But you aren't alone. A great many gun owners are in the closet and seem to be close mouthed about their hobby. They're afraid to let any but their closest friends know they own guns! Why is that? I don't get it now and never will. Do the anti's have so much power over us that we must be afraid to let people know that we are fire arms enthusiasts and believe in self defense?

I'm not saying we should carry signs proclaiming to the world that we own guns but by GOD we shouldn't act like we're ashamed of it either and that is what I see with so many gun owners these days.
Some of you are ridiculous!

He said he had his camera on a timer, noone was actually holding the camera.
It would be the same thing if he had set his camera up down range somewhere and then went back to the firing line and had it taking pics of him while he was firing. Big Freaking deal. If he knows he was safe about making those pics then I have no problem with it. And who ever said they get freaked out or whatever by seeing that end of a gun in a picture, what are you doing while watching 75% of todays movies? Ducking and taking cover behind your sofa.

Those pictures are obvioulsy thought out and done in away that isn't just "goofing off" . Some of the comments here are as bad as what came off of the baby website.

And btw his finger is clearly extended out straight, not in the trigger gaurd.
That is a fine looking family you have there.
A beautiful wife, a beautiful little girl and a beautiful 1911...!

Congratulations and take good care of them all! :)

and to hell with the critics!!!
Walk around any corner and you will bump into someone with some sort of bug up their keester, and anxious to be offended.
Nice pictures, BTW.
lighten up for a second, i take pictures of guns while my girlfriend and i shoot them, in situ for insurance, posing just for fun - whenever i get the chance. the idea that posing with guns is somehow wrong is preposterous. unprofessional, maybe, that is if you were doing it on the job, but as long as you don't endanger people, animals or property, then have fun. and by the way, if you feel comfortable pointing your .45 caliber roscoe at an expensive instrument, by all means, go ahead. it is yours after all.
btw, for posing w/ guns check out rguns girls with guns calendar. hard naked bodies! and there's girls in it too.
Probably wouldn't appreciate this pic too much either...


I'm not ashamed to own guns. I just don't go around shoving them on everyone else. I don't introduce myself as "Hi, I'm Mike. Wanna see my gun?"

Guns to me are a tool to be used for a specific purpose. The fact that I don't advocate everyone see and enjoy my weapons doesn't make me anti-gun or any other label that some of you who think it is your duty to bestow upon me. Why does it bother you that my guns don't define me, aren't the center of my life and aren't the topic of my every conversation?

While we're all wrapping ourselves in the second amandment, let's not forget the first, or the general spirit of discussion, compromise and tolerance that have formed and defined this great country we live in. My opinion is my opinion, it doesn't hurt you so quit getting your britches in a knot over them.

I find the compostion of this picture kind of odd. We have a smiling pregnant lady (with what appears to be a HUGE baby) and a man with a gun aiming at what I imagine to be a threat. Even if we say the guy is aiming at a target it still is a strange composition because now we have a man aiming a gun next to a woman with no hearing protection showing.
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I got no criticism of the pictures - they all looked fine to me.

I looked at most of the photographs and what I saw was a lucky guy with a great looking, and obviously loving and happy family. Congrats on the nearly new daughter. She's a cutie and it looks like she'll be walking on her own in another week or two!
Hey there trapper! Congratulations on the new addition to your family! My sister just left to go back to NC. She brought my 10 week old niece down to say hi. She is my first niece or nephew. So I have a vague idea of how excited you are to have your very own first!

With that said and by what you have said, I think you understand how subjective your pictures are. You personally (as well as your wife) consider it to be a provocative confirmation of your protective instincts and love for your family.

Most people who have had negative reinforcements concerning guns will perceive any picture with one in it, as a negative. So your provocative picture (given the dichotemy of your expression vs. your wife's), which happens to have a gun in it to bear the point of your thoughts, is going to come off as grossly negative.

I wouldn't worry about it at all. Just realize that you are posting subjective pictures in a public area (domain?) and you are going to get strong opinions from those who voice them loudly. It is nothing more than that.

(BTW - I was just elaborating on AntiBubba's earlier post -excellent observation)

Wow, what a photograph! I will agree that the subject content of that photo is quite perplexing and quite thought provoking.

If it was taken as a snapshot sort of thing, with not much thought as to the reactions it would possibly provoke, then it was a fluke that it came out appearing so well planned, downright artistic, and challenging to the viewer. If after you saw it once developed and, then you did not realize at least somewhat that in some degree it would probably highly offend anti-gunners (and possible even pro-gun people) on a motherhood type site (I think that it where you said it was posted or linked to) then I think it was poor judgment to place it on that page if only because you did not weigh at all the reactions it might evoke. Now do not get me wrong; I do not think there is anything wrong with controversy. I don’t think there is anything wrong with freedom of speech or expression either, nor with the right to bear arms (except maybe that said right has been infringed and that stinks). I do think however fine those rights are, you should at times be somewhat sensitive to the emotions you are about to evoke in others and you should consider whether or not that is the intent of what you are about to do. I can fully understand how a rape victim could have been somewhat emotionally upset by viewing some aspects of that picture. Then again, I think she still is in need of intense therapy if that made her almost vomit. I think a more appropriate thing to do, other than to condemn you, would have been to ask you what was your intent in taking and then posting that pic. I can also understand how pregnant women, or brand new moms, could be strongly affected by that pic.

If, on the other hand, that photograph was taken with a the idea of showing a certain perspective, or perspectives, while at the same time provoking intense thought, controversy, mild to severe reactions, feedback and so forth – then I think it is a masterpiece. Mike said he does not go out of his way to show off firearms and he does not believe they should be photographed in such a manner. Only my opinion but, I could not disagree more with that statement. If guns were photographed then shown in shots reflecting a more everyday sort of atmosphere, rather than movie violence, or news violence, then maybe this would help make people more accepting of them. I have pictures of my son, at a young age, maybe 7 – 9 years old, holding a shotgun, dressed up in fall clothing, with the fall foliage in the background, as if he is ready for a hunt. The shotgun is obviously WAY too big for him. Nice shot, I love it and so did anyone who saw it, even some antis. My shot while possibly a bit controversial to some, was viewed as basically harmless cuteness to others. The shot in question of an armed deadly serious looking man with arm around a smiling pregnant woman’s neck (or upper chest) is to say the least challenging to interpret. Someone might say: “So what? Let it provoke thought!†Ok let’s do just that. I think that is fine but it is also good to do it in a sensitive manner (beforehand) or at least a level headed manner (when challenged). You did very well being level headed in regard to the challenges thrown at you.

Once it did provoke thought and feedback, then the way the photographer or persons pictured replied to the feedback was extremely important if viewed from the issue of the right to bear arms, the joy of pregnancy and childbirth, combined with the right to protect loved ones, the satisfaction of a loved one knowing he or she is protected by the other half and so forth. The reply, given by you to those who left feedback on the site to which the photo was linked, was a good response. Your reply does much to take the mystery out of the aura of that photograph while at the same time still motivating thought and controversy. It also supports the rights to keep and bear arms and, to defense of loved ones, in a striking manner by which I have seen few other photos do it. Of course a different reply from you regarding the same picture could have led to a vastly opposed interpretation of that shot such as if you had you given an answer like : “go f- yourself, we like guns†to they who gave feedback on it.

As for me, I find the shot truly fascinating from an artistic, psychological, philosophical, thought provoking, family loving, and gun loving standpoint. Had your wife expressed another feeling other than one of being at ease and happy, it would not have been quite so controversial thought provoking. For instance, had she expressed fear, anger, or pain, it readily would have looked like a hostage situation of one of the worst types. That easy smile on her face, that sensing and caring hold she has of her belly, combined with the pregnancy, combined deadly serious look on your face, combined with the gun pointed at the viewer (not at the photographer as someone else stated) is just downright as effective a shot as you could have produced to stimulate controversy and thought while keeping the viewer baffled as to the meaning of the content. It is a Cover Piece kind of photo for a cover story in some large circulation magazine. For instance it would fit one of the NRA publications. Better yet, it would be seen by many, many more in a really large circulation magazine that the general public would see on newsstands such as GQ or Esquire. While many of the readers of this site may not agree with the type of articles that appear in either of those mags I know that a magazine like Esquire may well publish that pic if you also send them an accompanying well written article. After all, that mag is the one that published ‘A Letter from An Angry Reader’ quite some years ago which told of the conversion of a screaming antigun liberal into a somewhat conservative pro self defense gun owner. Your pic has raised some thought so far, think of how much more it could motivate if in the right medium. Whatever you do with that pic, treasure it always; and keep that family of yours safe and sound.

Best regards,
Glenn B
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