Gun Culture Idioms, Phrases, & Other Such Things

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SWMBO: "She Who Must Be Obeyed" - The person that requires you to invent ever increasingly imaginative reasons for each subsequent firearms purchase. For "Mall Ninjas" and "Posers" this person is known more simply as "Mom." :D
LMAO strabo...

I think we have missed one...They have been my pariah MORE than once at the range...<rant on>
They dress in black BDU pants and Boots w/Glock T-shirt...they carry plastic guns...they have plastic holsters...They have crewcut haircuts...They have Glock or SWAT ball caps...They know everything that has ever been done as far as pistolcraft is concerned (and they want to tell you WHY you dont know WTH your doing with that 1911!)...there favorite retort is "Guns and Ammo said this!!"... They look askance at leather holsters and metal weapons...They stand in judgement of all those that dont look and dress as they do...I of course speak, of the dreaded RANGE NINJA!!!

They look stupified when the "Grungy" looking guy with the long hair, and steel gun w/ leather holster, wears them out shooting for points in IDPA practice scenarios...They also look PO'ed when, after a really bad lesson in what a shottie can do, (if ya spent the money on shells and practice, instead of crap to hang off of it!) you scream "THIS IS MY BOOMSTICK!", while your GF laugh's at how weak there kung fu is...

Evil has a face gentleman...And it is the face of the RANGE NINJA!!
:D This has truned out to be highly entertaining and educational.

There were many that I had tried to figure out but hadn't quite been able to.

Dr. Rob you made me laugh - that's hard to do. It's 1 am - very very very hard to do. Funny stuff!

Here is another one...

Range Bubba - a guy at the range, he's at the range a lot just hanging or working there, beer belly, overalls or camo pants with an unidetifyable tacticle belt and buckle (due to the beer belly), some form of facial hair, some form of a baseball/hunting cap - bearly on on hot days or briefly picked up a little for a quick scratch of the head when in deep thought but AWLAYS on, suspenders optional but can be included regardless of presense of belt, sometimes a slight further firmenting smell of alcohol is present. There is a positive relationship between the strength of alcohol smell and the number of curse words and uses of God's name invane per sentence. One curse word and one use of God's name invane per sentence means the Range Bubba is relatively sober.

The Range Bubba is a naturally suspicious 'animal' but will slowly warm up when one appeals to his ego by asking for advice or a few quick pointers. If you want the Range Bubba to be your friend, include one to three of the known Range Bubba dress or behavior characteristics in your dress or behavior but never more than three - the Range Bubba can be a competative and teretorial 'animal.' There's only so much room for Range Bubba's per range. Oh, and yes...Don't argue with the Range Bubba!

I'm glad to have a Range Bubba as a friend - he recently ignored the posted range rules and let me shoot what he termed "poor man's armor piercing ammo." just based on my promise not to go "hog wild and keep it all on the paper" I will be etenally greatful and dedicate this to my Range Bubba friend.

Dr. Rob, you done good, real good!:p

How about: BUBBA-IZED, Gunsmithing techniques that require a case of beer, a hack saw and a bastard file.(and a drunk brother-in-law to act as cheerleader)
now i gotta go back to work on the TTP project. whats TTP stand for, you ask? why, The TTP Project, of course.

Gah, I hate recursive acronyms... and, working with open source projects a lot, I have to deal with 'em ALL THE TIME!
ERSA-Easily Recognizable Shooting Acronyms

NERSA-Not Easily Recognizable Shooting Acronyms
MODB- Minute Of Dirt Bag
MOG- Minute Of Goblin
NEN- Nineteen Eleven Nut
RVM- ReVolver Maniac
SFL- Shot Fun Lover
RIQOTB- Rifle Is Queen Of The Battlefield
HUH- Hoplessly Uninformed Hottentot

And, as a bonus, who knows what this NERMA (Not Easliy Recognizable Military Acronym) stands for?
Uh, that's one of the better known ones, in sociological circles:
POOSSLQ = "Person of Opposite Sex Sharing Living Quarters"

Boogered Up: Cousin Larry's been at it with his ill-fitting screwdriver, again.
Who refinishes Remington 870's with beautiful bluing and wood with spray-on camo paint?

Bubba Doestm!
BBQ Gun - the snazzy-looking gun you wear to weddings

Mozambique Drill - two rapid shots to center mass followed by one more carefully placed shot to the head.

El Presidente Drill - two rapid shots to center mass of each of three different targets, followed by a reload and two more shots to each target.

Bowling Pin Shoot - Who can shoot the bowling pins off a table fastest?
I live in the state of Missouri. While walking with my wife, and a friend,we came across a fellow THRer. He started the converstation like this,

Him: "Nice vest, Florida?"
Me: "No, I'm a Process Server"

The friend doesn't shoot, and had no idea what the above meant. I later asked my wife if she knew. She immediately became annoyed, because it was obivious, and she hears me talk about guns so often.

Do any THRers care to interpret the above conversation starter?
JMB: If you have to ask I'm smacking you with a wiffle ball bat.

JMB... JMB... nope don't know that one.

Well, it's worth getting smacked with a wiffle ball bat to find out, so I'll ask.

(insert sound of gears slowly grinding)

(sound of more gears grinding)

Oh...John Moses Browning

Jim that is an excellant definition of the word "Sheeple" Thanks

That has got to be my favorite new word.
For the sole sake of being a jackass... I will begin pronouncing TEOTWAWKI in everyday speech. Not spelling it... pronouncing it.


MZB - Mutant Zombie Biker - the number one worry after TSHTF.

FrankenFAL - A FAL assembled out of various surplus parts. Quality can be anywhere from questionable to excellent.

Firearms Enthusiast - my correction to anyone who calls me a "gun nut"!:D

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