Gun demand of the late 1960's

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I was 8 years old in Memphis 1968 I only remember dad rushing in during the MLK riots and standing loaded shotgun beside front door
I'm not old enough to remember the gun situation in the 60s, but during some riots during the early/mid 70s a friends family pawn shop sold out of some guns and my father purchased a Colt AR-15.
I remember the gun counters at all the stores and the wooden drums in the isle and they always looked full, I could purchase ammo for the shotguns or 30-06 but not the 22, because they could be used in a pistol, and there always seemed to be plenty on the shelves.
This is just opinion, from observation, I was 10, at that point, somebody else mentioned the MLK and RFK shootings, and while these did result in a clamor for gun control,(even a couple articles in the Reader's Digest) it was a turbulent era, with Civil Rights, and Vietnam War protests, so gun control got lost, in the all general political background noise, at the time.
I was very happy with my BB guns, back then, and had no real aspirations for upgrades, and also had other hobbies and interests.
Dear Mr. Rust Collector: Gun ownership is politics! The original question regarding a comparison between the present situation and the 1960s requires a description of the periods specified in the post. Your "wandering off" into attacks on other people defending the Second Amendment "for no apparent reason" is a common tactic used by the opposition. Thank you for clarifying your position in opposition to Second Amendment.
Sorry for any hurt feelings. I just could not reconcile a polemic with the administrator's cautionary post #16.
Anyway, I worked in a small sporting goods store in the late 60s, and do not recall any difficulty getting whatever guns or ammunition we needed. There were nowhere near the choices we have now, however.
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