Gun Friendly insurance companies

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Dec 10, 2007
Is there one that provides cheaper homeowners insurance coverage for firearms? Is there one that covers them without a separate policy? My homeowners is coming up for renewal and I was wondering if there is another company I should consider, also does anyone know if they cover firearms accessories in the regular policy i.e. is it just guns that are excluded, could I file a claim if all my ar-15 mags were stolen?
I think for any insurance company, you'll need a valuable personal property floater policy to cover your guns beyond a few hundred $, just the same as jewelry or other valuables.

As far as companies go, get USAA if you're eligible.
If you are a member of the NRA, you can obtain insurance for your guns and accessories through their endorsed program for much less than if you purchase coverage through you home owners policy. I belive it is 1.74% premium to value. As with all insurance, shop around and price it out.
I spoke with my agent about my guns, my tools in the garage, jewelry, computers, and all that other valuable stuff. My insurer sees them all as household property. Guns are included in the policy, with all the standard coverage limitations and deductable that apply to all other household property. There is no special limitation on the value of guns that would require any special rider or anything. The agent also reminded me that you must substantiate every claim. That means you must produce evidence that you own the property, a police report detailing the loss, and an appraisal of its current value.

Grant, what is your deductable? If your deductable is greater than the value of your AR magazines, your insurance won't help you in the case of theft.
I have a rider for my guns from Farmers. I'm just a renter, and the rider for an additional $3k worth of firearms was only about $100/year.
I am not aware of any ins. co. that doesn't have a cap on value.
I would check on the cost of additional value and the cost of some good quality storage safes.
They are not totaly secure but if bolted down and in a space that is difficult to work in I'm guessing that you will never loose a gun to theft.
As for fire, get a safe that is fire rated and try to locate in area that will burn the least (concrete or block walls, concrete floor, additional layers of drywall as fire barrier).
I would view jewlery the same and use the money I would have spent on premiums to invest in my own storage.
you have to shop around. Prices will varry drasticly.
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