Gun hater to inherit gun collection.

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Say you are a Christian, and someone gives you a satanic bible that is worht a bunch of money in a inheritance. You are such a good christian you think it shold be destroyed or that is is such ad juju you don't want to have anything to do with it yet you WILL accept money for it? That's not right morally.

Excellent analogy. He's definately a hipocrit.
But most anti-gun nuts are. Look at Sean Connery ie:007. Made most of his career by sensationalizing guns and he was a leader in the UK's gunban. They all compromise their morals when money is involved.
Actually - bad analogy.

Personal beliefs regarding inanimate objects such as guns or Precious Moments figurines does not compare at all well to spiritual matters. Granted, the physical book is also inanimate, but it is representative of much more than just steel, wood and porcelain.

That said, let him be a hypocrite. At least he's not having them destroyed. Someone who actually wants them will end up with them, rather than them end up being detroyed. So he ends up with some money. Worse things can happen. And too often in similar situations, do.
Well it is a shame that the firearms won’t remain in the family with someone who will cherish them, but things could be worse as stated, this gun-hater could be crazy enough to destroy them-
I might argue that to some a firearm represents much the same as a Satanic some exactly the same. I also might argue that a Satanic bible since it represents death and suffering does lend itself to a good analogy much more so than a glass fuggureene. In the eyes of a gun hater I'd be willing to bet there is no difference between say Charelton Heston, and the Devel himself.

And I will add this, as a gun lover, you should know all too well that a gun represents much much more than steel and wood, or an inantimate object....
you people just like to nitpick and argue. Think of it then as if you were somehow given your beloved country's top secret documents. Would you pull an Ethel Rosenberg or take them to your grave?
you people just like to nitpick and argue. Think of it then as if you were somehow given your beloved country's top secret documents. Would you pull an Ethel Rosenberg or take them to your grave?

Interesting.And your point is?
you people just like to nitpick and argue.

Welcome to the Internet!

If it weren't for endless pedantic arguments and porn, I'm not sure anybody would really take this thing seriously.
you people just like to nitpick and argue.
I'm pretty sure... let me go check.

Yeah. I'm pretty sure I came down on the side of the anti-gun guy: He's doing nothing wrong.

Is that the same as "nit-pick and argue?"

By the way: Has he been offered something of equal value to the guns, in exchange for giving the guns to someone else in the family? Tit for tat? Or is he expected to give them up just because?
just my opinion, but there is no way in hell I would be a part of helping him in his hipocracy. Tell that two faced jack hole to go get bent. He's just like our current trend in politicians with the mindset of "you can't have it unless I make a buck on it". people like that disgust me, no moral compass, no integrity, no honor, nothing...just a passively evil heart waiting for an opportunity. IMO people of this nature are more insidious than outright criminals, and more dangerous too. The evil within just lies in wait for the opportunity to exercise itself "legally".

P.S. - I'd take those documents to the grave, no ammount of money can buy back the loss of self respect.
By the way: Has he been offered something of equal value to the guns, in exchange for giving the guns to someone else in the family? Tit for tat? Or is he expected to give them up just because?

I don't know, but why is it he should EXPECT to "get something" or why is it he should feel "entitled to something of equal value". This is the mindset that creates hate and discourse between family members during a time when they should be helping each other thru a loss. I can't believe our society has denigrated to the point someone feels cheated for not getting something when someone dies! I can see feeling honored if they are getting something they want or need, but not getting all butt hurt if they get nothing because it would be something they don't want!
Good for the gun-hater that he's at least selling the guns.
Some gun-haters are so rabid, they would have them destroyed.

Bingo, we have a winner!

Guns are just things. Sometimes we inherit thing we like, sometimes we inherit things we don't like, sometimes we inherit money, ans sometimes we inherit nothing.

Whatever we may (or may not) inherit, it is our choice to dispose of in any manner we see fit (unless bound by a trust or other conditions). If my family and I were killed in a plane crash, my sister would probably inherit everything, including my guns, ammo, and stuff. She HATES guns, and I would be thrilled if she sold them and made money. Better that than burning them or somehow turning them in to be destroyed.
I would advise this person to take a few of them to the range and try them out. He may just take a liking to shooting. I am surprised someone willed the guns to a gun hater in the first place.

As far as selling the guns, let it be his problem. He can take them to a pawn shop and sell them for pennies on the dollar.

You may want to try to buy some of them off him. Go through the collection and give low-ball offers to anything you might want. If he bites, good for you. If he doesn't, let the next buyer get him.
He may be a jerk, but he's well within his rights.

Hypocritical? Maybe.

I guess the only way I can relate is if I were to, say, receive an abortion clinic as an inheritance. There's NO WAY in a certain unmentionable place that I would sell the clinic for the money - the whole thing would get shut down. On the other hand, I don't think parceling out the individual assets - furniture, building, equipment - would conflict with my morals. Meh, still seems a bit apples and oranges.

I absolutely agree with W.E.G. - at least he isn't melting them down.
But, shd, you could sell the building to someone who will make it something you are ok with morally, you can't change the destiny or purpose of a gun by selling it to someone you don't know.
Tell that two faced jack hole to go get bent. He's just like our current trend in politicians with the mindset of "you can't have it unless I make a buck on it". people like that disgust me, no moral compass, no integrity, no honor, nothing...just a passively evil heart waiting for an opportunity. IMO people of this nature are more insidious than outright criminals, and more dangerous too. The evil within just lies in wait for the opportunity to exercise itself "legally".

Double up on the caffeine this afternoon?:rolleyes:

Call me clueless, but it's a long stretch to link to anything posted and what you are saying here. Cut the guy some slack. He inherited something he doesn't like, and is selling it.

I look at most of the crap my dad has collected over the years. He is a golf freak, and has LOTS of clubs, bags, memorabilia, etc. I HATE GOLF. Some (very small part) of his stuff holds value to me as family memory/history. I will not have a golf equipment bonfire. I will sell it with the vast majority of his stuff at an estate auction. The proceeds will fund higher education for my kids, retirement, a lake house, whatever we choose.

Chill out and worry about something you can do something about.
It's amazing to see how many are equating the integrity of a personal belief or personal moral with actual rights. Of coarse he is within his rights to sell the guns. But the ONLY way he can remain true to his beliefs is to have them destroyed. They question was would he be a hipocrit if he sells them? Yes he would. And therein lies the catch. Obviously this guy is willing to compromise his beliefs for money. Some would say (and have here in this thread) that he lacks conviction for his own beliefs.

Think about this: if the feds outlawed guns you would no longer have the right, but how strong is your belief. Would you fight?
Let this be a lesson to eveyone when making out your wills! Make sure the person who inherits your guns feels the same way about them as you do. Don't leave your guns to an anti and don't leave your pelt and trophy collection to a member of PETA.
He should donate them to THR. We can take up a collection and give him a prius and autographed photo of Hillary in exchange :p
I really don't want an answer to the "would you fight" thing. Just a thought about beliefs vs. rights.
I love it.
GUNS ARE EVIL..... but I'll sell em. I don't care about ANYTHING if it's for money!

The liberal motto: My morals always go to the highest bidder.

What a ****.
You're being stupid. Since he hates guns, offer him something big sounding like say 2000 dollars for the entire collection. If he wants more, he'll have to learn about guns. If he can't force himself to do that, you make bank.
Some gun-haters are so rabid, they would have them destroyed.
Exactly. Help this guy as much as you can, make sure all these guns he doesn't want get good homes with people that will cherish them.

Maybe he'll pay you with a pick of the litter :)
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