Gun owners as peacekeepers

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Oleg Volk

Moderator Emeritus
Dec 19, 2002
Nashville, TN
For different target audiences:


The couple are less threatening, but the big, well-armed guy shows that even "rambo" doesn't look for a fight.
Who is your audience? The choir, or those who could be swayed?
Target the message for the intended audience.
Looks good. Could you cut down the paragraphs to the right of the pictures, though?
Lawful gun owners use force reluctantly and only in the gravest extreme when their lives are in immediate danger
The reluctantly/gravest extreme/immediate danger is somewhat repetitive. I think you could drop everything past the 'gravest extreme' bit... but then your paragraphs wouldn't look balanced...

Very good work, though.
The couple are less threatening, but the big, well-armed guy shows that even "rambo" doesn't look for a fight.
I understand your intent, but it's hard to get past the "mall ninja" impression on the second one.

I do think the text is fine as it is.
I am trying to reinforce the message, even at the cost of redundancy. I think the pair work better than the single ogre, but I like the ogre.
I will likely re-use the other image. The point I wanted to make originally was that even 6"5' guys with serious fighting skills aren't itching for a fight. How to convey that best?
I love the presence of the gentleman's shirt & tie as it helps to broaden the potential gun owner "audience" and adds an air of elegance at the same time.

Nice and clean, Oleg.


However I'm looking for something which may address the presumed presence of a public "contract" many anti's believe local law enforcement has to protect us, just as they seemingly do to enforce laws. Two different things...

The point I wanted to make originally was that even 6"5' guys with serious fighting skills aren't itching for a fight. How to convey that best?
The same image without most of the gear would make the point better.
Its the multi-pocket/packet vest and all the head gear that puts me off.
It's too busy.

Oleg, we take extreme tacticoolness as a given, but there are LOTS of people out there who won't look past the Evil Boomstick. In fact, that image is probably what they assume we'll all look like as we go occupational on 'em....

But those are the people who the message is targeted toward, right?

I'd take Bubba, and stick him in an Hawaiian shirt, with a bigger smile, maybe sheepishly pulling up a pant leg to show an ankle holster.

Little steps... If we can get little guns and little people accepted, then we can work for big guns.
Oleg Volk said:
I will likely re-use the other image. The point I wanted to make originally was that even 6"5' guys with serious fighting skills aren't itching for a fight. How to convey that best?

I like the Ogre too, but probably cause I be one too. heh

Perhaps instead of full tactical gear, a single ogre, smiling, massive arms folded in front of his chest, a light gray or blue polo shirt on with an obvious black shoulder rig, subtle beard, smiling like he is content with the world.

With the same text and message, that sounds to me like it would convey what you are trying to say. Too bad I'm not in Nashville or I'd offer to pose for the pic :D
I will likely re-use the other image. The point I wanted to make originally was that even 6"5' guys with serious fighting skills aren't itching for a fight. How to convey that best?

Showing a picture of an Ogre obviously ready to fight and at the same time stating that said Ogre doesn't really like to fight doesn't seem to get the point across. Ogres have layers.

I think a picture illustrating a gun owner de-escalating a confrontation verbally and non-violently would work well. If only there was some way to show the reader that the person is armed AND make it obvious that the potential attacker doesn't know that our guy is armed. Even though our guy is armed, he chooses to de-escalate if possible.

I see a scene where three or four tough-looking guys are staring down a clean-cut kinda guy, they should look mad. Our guy is obviously trying to talk his way out of it, perhaps he has his hands up in a gesture of peace. We somehow know he is armed. Perhaps he has his back to the camera and the wind just happens to be blowing up his cover for us to see. Make a caption similar to "He will only use it as a last resort."
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