"Gun Porn"?

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Jan 20, 2003
I was thinking about how often our "cute" phrases have been turned against us ("assault weapons" comes to mind), and seeing references to gun magazines as "gun porn," and wondering if anyone has considered that this term could easily be picked up by those who want to force retailers to stop carrying any firearms-related publications.

I was reading "Mother Earth News" once and they had some nut ranting about people might confuse them for a gun magazine, rather than a nature magazine.
They retorted something about (I can't really quote but went like this) We are a gun magazine that does articles on nature and survival and these gun advertisers and readers pay the bill around here.
"Freedom", even freedom to be offensive. "Freedom"...freedom to not have to purchase such magazines. Freedom, just like freedom to have firearms, or the freedom to not have them.

Freedom. Really want to make them go away? How about guns next? Just thinking out-loud...freely. :D

Not talking freedom

I'm talking about what's smart.

Is it wise for gun owners to use such a politically loaded and negative term to describe photos and writing about firearms in light of the demonstrated efforts of the gun banners to get gun ads removed from the classifieds (which has been done in many places) and to remove all firearms-related publications from stores (so far, not much success)?
I don't think the term "gun porn" could be used to effectively argue against gun magazines. In fact, I think the moment someone who is arguing against gun magazines uses the term, they have lost the argument.

"But it's gun-PORN!"
"Whoa, you mean there are people having sex in the gun magazines?"
"Are there naked people in the gun magazines?"
"No. . . 'gun-porn' just means there are lot's of pictures of guns in there."
". . . go sell crazy someplace else. We're all stocked up here."
I always thought of "gun porn" as the videos that now plague YouTube of skinny little girls with huge... uh. Guns.... firing automatic weapons.
I have heard and have referred to Gun magazines and fishing Magazines and related advertizing as "gun porn" or "fishing porn" because for me they often cause me to desire things that I will in all probability never have ! That sounds like Porn to me ! I also have been exposed to House porn . tool porn ,electronics porn ,sports porn ,food porn , car porn ! I could go on , but you get the idea i am sure ! It is a struggle sometimes but i believe i can endure the stress of this exposure ! i believe that it is far more important to teach our children how to recognize what is right and wrong ,but ultimatly it is their decision to choose right over wrong !i dont want you or anyone else deciding for me what i can or can not be exposed to !If children today are given the oportunity to exercise their judgment it will get stronger ! make all their choices for them and they will never develop ! Kevin
I hate to say this but falling into a trap based on verbiage is to become a willing, even EAGER victim of political correctness run wild. I refuse to play.
Reception to such terms is highly generational. The terms alienate one demographic (and that alienation can be exploited by opponents) but rejecting common cultural terms alienates another. _____ porn/pr0n is a common cultural term today.

Now you've got to decide which demographic to pander to. People born before 1960? Or people born after 1975? Yeah, there's a gap ... the middle grounders have no consistent passion for this subject and can be disregarded.

The pre-1960 crowd is a majority, especially when viewed from a political perspective. They have the time, wealth, and legal standing to influence our political process. They also tend to be more pro-gun as a rule though the AARP seems to make a liar out of me there.

The post-1970 crowd includes a bunch of non-voters (e.g. everyone under 18), people who grew up in a largely anti-gun educational system, people who don't have a lot of time to be politically active and don't have a lot of money to spend influencing the political system... they are harder to attract and less influential today... but they are also the future.

In 30 years a significant percentage of the currently living pre-1950 demographic will be dead. Sorry. In 50 years all but a tiny remnant will have died. That's the nature of life. In the same 30 years the young people that today see nothing wrong with car porn, computer pr0n, airplane porn, amateur porn, and hopefully gun porn -- the people who may be alienated by a bunch of fogies telling them not to say "gun porn" because it may help the antis -- will be older, they'll have more political clout, more money, and reality being what it is they'll probably think "gun porn" sounds stupid too.

I've got to throw myself in the, "a gun porn thread without pictures is useless" crowd. :D
Using the term "gun porn" is like seeing a confederate flag next to an NRA sticker. It paints us as unsophisticated rednecks.

I totally agree with nightwing on porn. It plays a huge roll in the devolving of society and our culture.
DISCRETION! Seriously... if My kid is being exposed to that crap at 4 years old???? Isn't there something I could do legally about the offensive nature of the product being exposed to my 4 year old?

When we traded our conservative white government for an initially more tolerant black government, porn became legal. Almost everyone had it on the top shelf, but our family supermarkets found that they had more complaints and less customers than before. So they dropped the porn, customers came back, and life's good for all.

You don't need legislation. You, the customer, need to tell the places where you shop how you feel, and then you need to enforce that. If you're out of smokes in the middle of the night, go without, rather than spend money at shops that offend you.

Of course most people have principles until they're inconvenienced, which is why gas station shops can get away with it.
Tom, at least here in SoCal (unproudly the pornography capitol of the world), <Blank> Porn has entered the lexicon everywhere.

I can't go a week without being involved in conversations where Boat Porn, Car Porn, Geek Porn, Plane Porn, etc., even (somewhat disturbingly) Dog Porn are referenced. Universally, these are just innocent photos or descriptions of favorite subjects. However, it does serve to legitimise porn, and desensitize us.

Some are using "Pron" to differentiate their references from "Porn."

Thanks for your GunTalk podcasts and videos!
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Charles: Thanks for that. Good to get the perspective.

I have *never* heard anyone use that term for anything other than sex.

Sometimes I see people mention "gun porn" on the gun boards to describe photos of guns.

Having watched the terms "Saturday Night Special," "Assault Weapon," and "Sniper Rifle" be used against us, I'm pretty sensitive to just how effective the gun banners can be at using our own terms in the culture war.

Out here in flyover country, I don't hear that term. Interesting.
I for one dont care for the term. I consider fine photos of firearms akin to art.

pornography is something else all together.
Again....my posts have all been deleted. What is going on?
I even see where someone quoted a deleted post I made in here.
What gives? This is the 4th thread I've noticed this in?
Is someone screening what they want to be seen by other forum members, or is it just a server error or something?
No doubt I'm showing my age, and also where I live.

Here, I don't want to hear anyone say "crap" because I think it's the same as saying "sh*t."

In hunting camp or at the range, that's okay. In my home or in a social setting, it's inappropriate.

Count on this. This is a perfect setup for the nutjobs at the Violence Policy Center and one of their "reports" they fabricate. At the least, I can see them pushing to have gun magazines put in wrappers the way sex porn is.

We already have people saying that, just like sex shops, there should be no gun stores near schools.

40+ years of actively fighting these folks professionally has made me attuned to how they operate.
Using the term "gun porn" is like seeing a confederate flag next to an NRA sticker. It paints us as unsophisticated rednecks.

It is so funny but so true. But the grim realization is that most of us are "rednecks" compaired to the mainstream corporate world. We wear boots and dont mind "getting dirty", changing valve gaskets, etc.

Far cry from the italian loafers I see most wearing or the Mercedes/Lexus I sit behind at lights when driving home from work. Lets face it, people who purchase Prada, Gucci, and Rolex do not generally subscribe to the Guns America. Nor do their kids serve in the military for that matter. But they all wear an American flag/ribbon or whatever is trendy at the time.

The point I am making is that "rednecks" are not really that "mainstream politically correct" which is completely fine with me as those who are "politically correct" are generally liberals.
They'll do that whether enthusiasts use terms like "gun porn" or not.

On the other hand, if you take an average 20 year old that is used to talking about Honda porn (meaning pictures of honda cars), tech porn (meaning pictures of computers), violin porn, tool porn and I could keep going on. What are they going to think if you start telling them not to say "gun porn"?

It has nothing to do with saying "crap".
Why did we let it go this far. Maybe it just happened before we even knew. Now we can not say anything that is not picked apart and debated. Got to love how far we have come when it comes to a simple statement. Thank you Huppies,media and politically correct Americans. Next time I talk guns or tell a joke or any other topic I will try to make sure I do not offend anyone. Im sorry I probably already did.
^ then what is the point of having a discussion at all?
Isn't irrelivant information usually part of EVERY conversation at some point?
Why censor it?
If someone thinks it's worthless they'll just skiup it and read the next post, but some people might find value in the unrelated info.
Just saying... seems a little unfair and overly censored.
Not saying you're as ass by any means. Just my opinion. Seems highly hypocritical to delete posts on this board specifically because 1 or 2 people find it "unimportant" or "irrelevant". Don't take that the wrong way. I'm just saying.... my opinion, with no disrespect intended.
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