Gun store employees carrying

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This brings up a question, what's the name of and where is that city in Arizona where it is mandatory to carry everywhere you go?
USMC - Retired said:
Most think trying to rob a gun store would be a sure path to a Darwin award but that does not mean they won't give it a shot. That's the thing about stupid people, they never stop trying.

Got that one right. The gun shop I bought my first handgun from was robbed (er.. *attempted* that is) in broad daylight. 2 robbers in, one made it out. Score one for the good guys, but it really shook up the shop owner (he was the one who grabbed an HK long gun and put two into one of the bad guys). The good guys packed up shop and moved soon after the incident.
The 2nd robber, also a genius, was caught at a nearby bus stop that he ran to on foot :rolleyes:
I carried concealed when I worked in a friend's shop. He didn't carry, but had at least one handgun under the counter. My only concern for him was he didn't move very fast and was often out of reach of the counter guns.

All employees carry at the shop I work at part time except the one young kid.

Most open carry as do I when working the shop, gets concealed when I leave though.

I've taken two of the employees out for some training that I work with regularly, we all feel better about what each of us is capable of since that range day. I think it is as important to know how the others I work with could perform as the fact they are carrying. It's as important to know someones strengths as their weaknesses, so you know what you can and can't depend on when the time comes.

Criminals don't like to jack gunstores. Anyone want to speculate as to why? :eek:

When I go into a gunstore I really hope at least most of the employees are carrying, it personally makes me feel safer.
I have NEVER seen a man working in a gunstore that didn't carry open.

As to the one woman I saw at this one place... For all I know it was concealed. I didn't ask, and didn't think about it till now.

Open carried sidearms seem to be the RULE as far as I know in gunshops.
Although in Sportsmans Warehouse I never see employees carry, Ill bet it is a store policy to NOT be armed at work, I can see why. Big time legality issue. They would just give over the booty.
Excluding places like Gander Mountain, I have never been to a gun shop where the employees were not armed. I know of one guy who carries concealed, but as far as the rest go, they were all open-carrying.

I don't shop there unarmed, either. Actually, I don't shop much of anywhere unarmed, come to think of it.

I open carry at the shop as my drawstroke and first shot times are less than from concealed, no other reason than that for me, and certainly not as some intimidation factor to potential threats who might have bad intentions when they enter.

If I didn't see an employee of a shop carrying, I'd still make the assumption he/she was anyway. The BG would be foolish to assume otherwise as well.

Went into a gun shop last weekend and the guy working there was openly wearing a pistol. They also had a sign for safety reasons to keep you hands where they can be seen. They had a lot of neat toys, and made mention of this to they guy working there. He said that's why they call it Daddy Daycare.
all the employees at my favorite gun shop open carry. That's enough to make a would be thief think twice in my opinion. Also, I like to support my fellow ccwers
"There was a all night drug store near the hospital in Kennesaw Ga. where all the employees carried openly due to getting robbed.Even the pharmasist was packin"

Isnt Kennesaw the city where every home is required to have a gun??
Out here in France none of the employees in the gun stores carry. But I have noticed a couple of weapons in strategic places.

Then again it is illegal for people to carry loaded guns other than hunting or on a range...

Guns are easily available, but both guns and ammo are very expensive....
The official company policy for Elite Tactical Systems, Inc., is:

"If you come to work without a gun on you, you might get your butt whooped, by the President (me)."

At the shop where I teach carry permit classes, most of us open carry, with one or two concealing, but plainly printing. We also have a 12 ga close by, ready to go, if needed.
Gun store sign

This thread reminds me of a gun shop in Killeen, Tx that i used to go to when i was stationed down there. He had a sign just outside the door that said something to the effect:
"Armed owner sleeps in store 3 nights a week. You guess which nights."

I always got a kick out of that sign. Just thought I would share that with ya.
I work and I carry...

I work in a gun store and I carry, especially to and from work. You would be stupid not to. Do you know how many nut jobs I see go through there? Too many to count...
Unfortunately the store where I shop/shoot does not allow the customers to carry concealed or otherwise unless they are LEOs. I think it has more to do with the State of Illinois than the owners wishes. Btw, all the help does carry. What is bad though is when they leave they have to be sure their weapons are locked in cases for transport because of state law.

Of the stores I've dealt with on the Missouri side of the river in only one does the help openly carry but I'm sure in the others they carry concealed or have weapons very close. The first gun shop I dealt with, long closed due to the owner moving on, it was to build his retirement fund while he was a member of the STLPD, not only did everyone carry concealed but there were several riot guns stashed around the place which regular customers knew about and were invited to grab if the s***t ever hit the fan.
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I think it has more to do with the State of Illinois than the owners wishes

Up here in Chicagoland the ranges I frequent all have most of the employees open carrying.

One shop is even in the dreaded Cook County under the dark shadow of Chicago and its evil ruler Daley the gungrabber.
Not trying to get into the "criminal mind" here but crime is a business and the "risk" has to be worth the "reward."

Crazies, dope fiends and wacko's aside. A daylight armed robbery on a gun store with an inventory, camera's, alarm system with two or three employee's is something for the movies or t.v. A robbery on a Ma and Pa shop is a possibility. A very good possibility for that matter and something we read about quite often.

99.9% percent of your "scumbags" or "preditor's" will break in at night or take the path of least resistance i.e. closing up and when you are in a hurry to get out, locking the front door, hiding in the bathroom standing on a toilet in a stall, walking to the car and then being targeted, or something with the least visibility to them and greatest vulnerability to you being the potential victim.

Again, nut jobs aside, and not saying it won't happen and has not happened but the probability is low.

With that aside, armed at work. You, bet I would be. Normally I have one on the hip, one in the pocket and a knife, if all else fails. Oh yea forgot, the "politically correct" cell phone to call 911 after the fact.

And what would be recommended, something for personal protection such as a firearm (first choice and know how to use it and its limits) and second a way to notify authorities as 99.999999999999999999999999999999999999% of the time you are on your own until they respond.

Someone said it better than I could ever, "an armed society is a polite society"
All the employees in my local gun stores carry. Some carry out in the open, and some are more discreet with a IWB holster at their 5. They are always 1911s, Glocks, XDs :barf: , and one guy who totes a revolver I have yet to ID. The indoor range/store I shoot at in the winter keeps a short barreled shotty behind the counter in cruiser mode. It makes sense to practice this when you deal with a high risk theft item, and large amounts of cash (at least when I leave).
There was a large gun store close to us when I was a kid. Dad would take me there for my birthdays and it became a ritual. This is in the 60's mind you. I can remember the first time I noticed one had a gun on. "Dad, I whispered, that man has a gun on his waist." Yes son they all have guns on you just haven't noticed before. " Why Dad isn't this illegal?" No son it is not and they wear them so people don't argue over price!. Then Dad would proceed to argue a price for a firearm for his son. I thought that was the nuts and thought the old man unbeatable. I had forgtotten about that until reading this thread.:) Take care.

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