Gun store shenanigans

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If you don't ever want somebody inquiring about your personal firearms or making an offer on them, don't display them.

Just my .02,

I know that shop! [PM sent to OP to confirm]

Walked in there three years ago this month and was blown away at that gentleman's collection. Most everything was well above my knowledge level. P08 Lugers, dozens of Nazi Ehrenwaffe PPK's, and a Colt 1878 SxS tucked back in the corner, amongst all the crazy pieces of history he had.

There's another LGS, other end of town from this one where the owner has the best collection of very old and rare lever rifles that I've ever seen, hung way up high on a main wall. Those guns are also beyond me, but it's worth it to ask him to tell you about them.
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Don't believe a word of it because everything is for sale at the right price, even if it's not for sale. Whip out enough green, it's for sale.
My favorite LGS has the walls covered with old guns. Most look like wallhangers, everything from pump .22s to old Damascus sxs shotguns. They are all tagged, and although I've never asked to handle one, they seem to have prices. The ones on the racks are all for sale, though.
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