Gun violence drops "dramtically" according to US DOJ

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Aug 17, 2009
I haven't read the whole 28 page report yet from

But according to:

the study notes that less than two percent of convicted inmates reported buying their weapons at gun shows or flea markets. The highest number, 40 percent, said the guns came from a family member or a friend. About 37 percent said the weapons were stolen or obtained from an illegal source. The rest say the guns were bought at a retail store or pawn shop.


The report, by the department’s Bureau of Justice Statistics, painted an encouraging picture of long-term trends at a time of divisive political debate over guns and legislation to regulate them. Firearms-related homicides declined 39 percent between 1993 and 2011, the report said, while nonfatal firearms crimes fell 69 percent during that period. . . . Less than 1 percent of state prison inmates who possessed a gun when they committed their offense obtained the firearm at a gun show, the report said.

Even our own government's most recent statistics don't support what Obama, Biden, Feinstein, Pellosi ect spew out of their pie holes.
I'm not being sarcastic when I say this...but...facts will never matter in this debate.

There is no amount of logic or data that will sway the anti's. Their whole ideology is anti-gun...they are dogmatic about it. Facts...don't...matter.

Sadly I don't think facts matter to many politicians either.

BUT...thanks for sharing will be useful to help educate those "in the middle".
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Because the study takes place between 1993 and 2011, it is certain "proof" that the 1994-2004 "Assault Weapon Ban" was to credit for the massive crime drop...just wait for that conclusion to be waved fast and hard, glossing over the slightly inconsistent dates.
I'm not being sarcastic when I say this...but...facts will never matter in this debate.

There is no amount of logic or data that will sway the anti's. Their whole ideology is anti-gun...they are dogmatic about it. Facts...don't...matter.

Sadly I don't think facts matter to many politicians either.

BUT...thanks for sharing will be useful to help educate those "in the middle".

That's a very good use of it.

My step mom is pretty dang anti-gun although she respects my choices and recognizes that I'm a prime example that not all gun people are bad.

She is one to say "the right of children to be safe at school trumps a-holes rights to guns". To which I reply "1st, they don't have a right to education; its not in the constitution but besides that.... So lets protect them!!!"

Ive shown her some of these kinds of facts... facts that show that the administration is lying and blowing it all out of proportion. It gets her to back track and calm down and see things for what they really are.... at least until the next mass shooting. :( Then it starts all over again. :)
There is good news in the report, Table 14 for example that shows a survey of state(?) prison inmates reporting they got their firearms from gun shows less than 1% of the time.

I haven't read the PEW report yet, it is on the to-do list.
Yes it's less than 1% but we have to do something to protect the children. Maybe we can ban pressure cookers and backpacks, just about as effective.
Because the study takes place between 1993 and 2011, it is certain "proof" that the 1994-2004 "Assault Weapon Ban" was to credit for the massive crime drop...just wait for that conclusion to be waved fast and hard, glossing over the slightly inconsistent dates.

I'm sure they will try this but we can wave back with this:

Excerpt from summary: "...Therefore, we cannot clearly credit the ban with any of the nation’s recent drop in gun violence. And, indeed, there has been no discernible reduction in the lethality and injuriousness of gun violence, based on indicators like the percentage of gun crimes resulting in death or the share of gunfire incidents resulting in injury, as we might have expected had the ban reduced crimes with both AWs and LCMs. "
Seems to me the 39% drop can't (yeah, except by politicians who don't care about facts) to the AWB since most violence involving a gun doesn't involve weapons banned by the AWB.

Please correct me if I'm wrong on that, especially since I'm being lazy and not looking for the stats.
Seems to me the 39% drop can't (yeah, except by politicians who don't care about facts) to the AWB since most violence involving a gun doesn't involve weapons banned by the AWB.

Please correct me if I'm wrong on that, especially since I'm being lazy and not looking for the stats.

You're correct that all rifles combined account for only about 2.5% of U.S. homicides.

However, no guns were banned by the 1994 Feinstein law. New AR's, AK's, etc. had to have smooth muzzles or pin-on brakes instead of flash suppressors, M4-style stocks had to be pinned, etc., and the law restricted new guns from being marketed under any of 19 banned names, but AR's and AK's weren't actually banned. Importers had to import tens of millions of milsurp STANAG and Warsaw Pact magazines to keep up with demand, but the net effect of the AWB was to triple or quadruple the sales of AR's and whatnot, not reduce them.
You are not wrong. IIRC, the percentage of gun crimes committed with guns of the type covered in the AWB is about 2% according to a government study.

EDIT: BenEzra beat me to it.
Once again the facts and real data show a continuing downward trend to the very thing Antis claim to be "an epidemic". As expected it also shows that criminals aren't getting firearms through the route Antis claim.

Are the Antis completely disassociated from the facts? Well, YES.
I'm busy with a school project right now, but I think I'm gonna send this to pro and anti-politicians tomorrow morning. Number one on the list? Feinstein, and then some Illinois politicians, who knows who else. It probably won't change their stance, but it will make me laugh. :neener:
I'm not being sarcastic when I say this...but...facts will never matter in this debate.

This. I was listening to a local conservative talk show host, who was discussing a poll by Gallup. Of the top 11 issues on the minds of the people, gun control and immigration were #10 and #11, respectively. The PEOPLE do not consider this a high priorty issue! This is not a particularly critical issue for the vast majority of the population.

What it is is an issue for main stream media and politicians. Those two groups did their best to take advantage of Sandy Hook. While most people are horrified at the killing of innocent children, they did not consider it a priority to ban guns, magazines, UBC, and all the rest. This is PURELY a political and media play from the left. Now you have Bloomberg trying to extend the push from the left into states where politicians might be soft, and this is causing Harry Reid no end of problems.

For the most part, the people have seen through this charade. As 2nd supporters, we now know who is soft, and who should be targeted for removal in the next election. But we also know that the Democrats are ready with legislation should another nutcase decide to go on a shooting spree.
I am actually surprised some of the mainstream media is reporting this study, and from Obama/Holder's own DOJ.
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I saw the DOJ article on msn when I logged in this morning. It's gone when I tried to read it at work but it's back now.
The numbers on gun crimes are from FBI Uniform Crime Reports (UCR). The BJS report gave 60,000 Defensive Gun Uses (DGU) per year. This is survey (poll) data, not a count of total reports like UCR. The Table 11 relies on the NCVS crime victim survey that has a much criticized false negative bias.

In the report on the NIJ NSPOF survey that estimated 4.7 million DGU per year, the authors pointed out that everyone in the NSPOF sample were asked if they had used a gun defensively in the past year, while under the NCVS survey method, only a minority of those surveyed by NCVS are ever asked a DGU question. That method is guaranteed to give a low estimate.

Still DGU estimates, whether NCVS or NSPOF, are surveys subject to all the problems with surveys (false negative and false positive bias). The authors of the NSDS survey (2.4 million DGU) tabulated ten national and three state surveys that gave a range of 764 thousand to 3.6 million DGU per year.
I posted this in another thread, but here's another report released yesterday by the Pew Center showing a 49% decline in gun homicides since 1993, yet the majority of the public thinks there has been an increase. I only saw coverage in the L.A. Times and the BBC.
Great link - been sending it to everyone I know. NBC actually ran a story on it Mon or Tue night on their Nightly News broadcast, right after the Cinci kidnapping & military sexual assault headline stories.
Gun violence is a load term coined to invoke an emotional response unfavorable to firearms. People are violent, not guns.
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