Guns and Kiddos

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Dec 24, 2002
Had a great day at the range and had to share these. The girls were both shooting at about 15 yards.

This is my 5 year old(Elaine) with her target. This was her first time shooting anything but a bb gun.

This is my older daughter(Catherine), 12 years old. Here she is with her target after a turn with the p-22 and then with my Commander. She actually likes the .45 (and shot better with it)

We had a great time! Thanks for indulging a proud Dad.

Finger off the trigger and groups like that: they are well trained! Good on you all! Don't think they will ever join the MMM!

We proud for you too!
Mike, that makes me proud again all over too .. I just LOVE to see kids getting into this early enough and learning safely what it is all about. Great to be allowed to share your (no doubt) extreme pleasure. :)

Once they have grown up some ...... then maybe hopefully you'll take this sorta pic too (OK - MY turn for pride too!) ..... my married daughter vacationing here last year, with her ol' man ... we had two great range sessions. She here has my P97 well under control .. and considering she had not shot for a year (poor gal lives in UK! :( ) .... she was a star.


I've Got the warm fuzzies!! :p :cool:
Adorable girls. You must be very proud of them. :D


A child is fed with milk and praise. -- Mary Lamb
Thanks for the nice comments.

Chris - You have a fine looking Daughter there, she seems more than capable. I am trying to block out the thought that in just a few years some *&^$% is gonna come and marry my girls and move them away from me.

Pax - You have the best quotes!
some *&^$% is gonna come and marry my girls
It'll happen Mike, some day but .. I reckon by the time those two beauties of yours have 1,000 hours shooting under their belts, the only guys who'll stand even half a chance will have to be shooters too.!!

That narrows the field quite nicely!:D
Good on ya!

A couple of weeks ago as I was packing my range bag for Tuesday Nite Steel my four year old told me he wanted to go to the range with me and sit on the bench and watch me!:cool: I look forward to the day he's old enough to go with me. Actually, I look forward to the day his mother isn't looking so I can sneak him out to the range with me!:evil:
If you cant fit a four-year-old in your range bag to sneak him out of the house, you either need a bigger range bag or need to teach him to be quiet and not move around so Mom doesnt figure it out.

Great pics. Its always fun to take em' shooting.

Not a father, yet... or for a LONG time actually, but I was just downstairs talking to my dad while he was photocopying. My baby sister (10 yrs old) was riding her razor scooter outside and came in to ask me to take her shooting today.

Too bad she had a book report to do. It woulda been a fun day at the range. :(
Great thread! Two weeks ago, I bought my 7 1/2 year old son a Daisy BB rifle. Whay a great time we had at his Grandma's. Even his two sisters got in the act, and I eventually found out that his 9 year old sister is every bit as good a shot as my son. His 15 year old sister has already been to a range with a Ruger .22. The invitation came after she asked (after seeing me head to the range with all my gun gear) "Hey Dad, can I come with you next time and shoot?" Yes, you can! :D My heritage is growing before my eyes. geegee
Ohhhh Sisco

(Your cue to say "OOOhhhh Pancho")

That's a cool set of pics...makes me smile to see his progression. Congrats. How do they grow up so fast?
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