Guns in the movies..

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Oct 4, 2005
This might just be me, but when people sleep with guns under their pillows (James Bond etc...) no-one seem worried about gun oil on the pillows?
Or the fabric wicking the oil out of the gun?
If I did this my wife would go nuts, firstly, the oil issue, secondly, most morning I wake up I can't even find my pillows, let alone anything that may have been under one of them??

Is this just another movie myth, do you know anyone that acutally does this?

PS, watched Lord of War last night and couldn't help noticing, what looked much like 'de-capped' shell cases on the battlefield after a gun fight??
James Bond also wakes up wih his hair perfectly groomed and he's ready to go without a pint of coffee.
I must assume he's some kind of weirdo.
I guess they figure that a few stains on some sheets is much more bearable than waking up to an armed late night intruder with only your fists to protect you.

However, a bedside holster would probably be a better idea; and certainly more tacticool..
The question is moot...nobody cares what a wifes thinks about bedding in the realm of secret agents....especially when mass destruction & world domination is at stake.

Seem to recall James Bond always stays at hotels.....bedding would get changed daily so what's a little gun oil on a pillow. If the hotel gets upset, they can just add the damages to the room charges, British tax payers will get charged for it.
Anyone remember the tv show Sledgehammer? If I remember correctly, didn't he sleep with his revolver next to him on a satin pillow?

Does sliding a Ruger .357 Blackhawk between the mattress & box spring count? I used to do that, but I actually do know a guy that sleeps with a NAA .32 under the pillow. I'd be kickin' butt if I were his wife, as she's sleeping 'downrange' as it were...
Interestingly enough, the May issue of Guns and Ammo has an article, written by Garry James, about his top ten picks for the best gun movie. It was a pretty interesting article, even though some of his choices were surprising to say the least.
My .357 is in a holster under my pillow...and the old ball & cain doesn't mind either. She actually get upset if I talk about puting it in the night stand.
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