Gunshop owner. Two issues. A big deal to you?

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That's all a gun store will pay for a used gun. But he could sell it privatelly, and get in the 400 range pretty easily.
Well, in the first situation, what do you expect? It's definitely not cheap to run a business, so if he treated every customer in the ideal way you see in your mind he wouldn't be in business long or you wouldn't be making much dough, and that's the whole point. It's just one of those fine lines between being too nice and not nice enough to earn repeat business you know what I mean...

& about forging signatures, ya it's against the law...People do it though, not advised though. If you get caught that will also put you out of business...or worse.

It's also against the law to speed, sign the back of your spouses check if you are depositing it in the bank & they forgot to sign the back ect. Not trying to minimize the second situation. Just saying no ones perfect if we were it would be a boring world.

welp that's my .02

If he's been doin you right, might as well keep going back.
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