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Had to shoot a home invader last night.

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I can't believe there wre actully a couple of posts advocating not shooting 'cause he was leaving! This was a rat doing what rats do - scavanging food. Left alive to escape, he'd remember where he got the free meal and return for more. If the dumpster didn't have any tasty treat, or if the mood hit, he'd explore the rest of the place looking for more interesting places, tidbits. Pretty soon ya got a colony living in your dark and tiny spaces under the house. Only a matter of time before the invading force is ready to attemp ousting the landlords.

Deffinatley an act of self preservation here...

Only think I'd have done differently is know which gun I was going to use by the time I'd have made it to the collection, having decided on the way. Would have saved ya fondle time going through the collection - just think, a few more guns and ole beady eye would probably have escaped to begin breeding his invading army... :what:
The last time I had a mouse in the house, I set a trap.

I took an empty Doritos bag (x-large), smoothed out the inside, taped a soda bottle cap upright with a spoonful of water on one side, put some toilet paper on the other, made sure there was a few leftover nachos in there, and taped it upright against a chair. I then scattered some Doritos crumbs across the top of the chair and made sure that top was accessible.

Sure enough, next morning I had a "prisoner" staring up at me from his toilet paper "bed", otherwise treated per Geneva Conventions (food, water, etc). He was able to jump about halfway up and would try once in a while :evil:.

I let him go in some woods a few miles away :D.

Hey, come on, I used to have pet rats...to me it was rather cute :eek:.
You almost missed the opportunity due to your inability to select the weapon. Next time be more prepared. Prioritize your weapons in the proper order for various invaders. Maybe a color coding system. Red for rats and antis, blue for.....I hope you learned your lesson. :)
You almost missed the opportunity due to your inability to select the weapon. Next time be more prepared. Prioritize your weapons in the proper order for various invaders. Maybe a color coding system. Red for rats and antis, blue for.....I hope you learned your lesson.

So help me out here. In a similar situation, should I use:

Ruger MKII
Colt Officer's Model Target
M1911 with Ciener conversion kit
M1911 with Colt Ace Conversion kit
Colt Detective Special with shot loads
Colt M357 with shot loads
Colt SAA .357 with shot loads
Colt New Service .45 Colt with shot loads
Ruger Blackhawk .45 Colt with shot loads
Stevens #26 Crackshot .22
Stevens Favorite .22
Springfield M1922 MKII .22
Remington 514X .22
Marlin 15Y .22
Kimber M82 .22
Ruger 77/22 .22 Magnum

Decisions, decisions!
If that is indeed a photo of the Hired Killer, I wouldn't worry. He's packing a "Mousegun"!!! :D

The case might be made that your victim was caught in a centuries old cycle of poverty and being misunderstood by "the man". He can't help it that his ancestors brought Plague, and death. It just ain't his fault man!
yorec has a good point....the thing to do now is to go after the rest of his family..a good defense is a strong offence...... :neener: (don't tell PITA)
Ya need one of these...

Oh, and so do I. :D
Good grief!

"10/22 quiet, but scoped and it is not going to be good a night.

High Standard .22 magnum der, well good pistol but loud and simple sights and only two shots,

ruger MKII well good option, but did not feel this is the tool for the job, more of a target gun,

Sig Trailside, I did not want to soil this fine plinker with a body on it, so it was out

taurus 94 .22 revo, good gun but just did not feel right.

Marlin .22 lever action, antique, was my grandfathers, too special for this task.

My father's old Remington scoremaster .22 rifle, can't use that ancient tiny scope, and probably not zeroed.

My old savage .22 auto, well my first rifle, but scoped and the range would be too close, so It was no good.

then I saw the weapon that would rid me of the invader.

My ruger 22/45, ..."

That rat might've dies of old age before you got back down to him!

Nice collection, BTW.
wait a sec, I told my buddy that hunts, and he told me that what ever animal you shoot you have to eat. (humans excluded as well as dieased animals)
Ahh, your buddy was yanking your chain, or he neglected to tell you that there is a specific exemption for varmits. No one is expected to eat prairie dogs, rats, coyotes, etc.

Although its a well-documented fact that the sailors in the Royal Navy (and probably most navies) in the 1800's ate every rat they could catch, to supplement their lousy rations. I can cite sources if requested.
I think his family hired a professional to avenge their brother's death

[robert de niro voice] "My guys are comin' for you, ratslayer!" [/robert de niro voice]

(Apologies to anyone who hasn't seen Shark Tale...)

Now if the rat in question were an R.O.U.S., you might need something bigger than a .22...
LOL at your selection process in choosing from your 'arsenal'. Nice to have a choice of that many rimfires. I'd probably have gone with the 94 revo with either rat shot or super colibris in that situation. But the 22/45 worked well. :)
I think we can all learn a valuable lesson from this. If you are ever a victim of a home invasion, simply set up a buffet for the intruder.....this will give you enough time to retrieve the appropriate weapon ! :neener:
I expected the worse and read about a happy ending. You did well but there is one problem: you've too many guns to choose from. Decisions, decisions. :p
Follow up:

Upon arriving home last night I could not shake the fear that a strike of retaliation would be coming soon.

I carefully considered the professional that might be coming for me. I stared at the picture of the beady-eyed assassin, trying to get into his mind. Really the only information is that he is professional, and that he carries good equipment (A beautiful 1911 carried in a magnificent leather holster). He certainly looks the part of a professional. I could tell from the blur in the photo that he must have rising his pistol from condition sul. I wish I could say I was brave, but sadly sirs, I was not. I prayed to my lord to give me the strength to fight, and, be it his will, die. I stared at the magnificent B@$**** that would be coming for be, drenched in sweat and the stink of fear.

Suddenly I realized that the assassin was quite like me. I am a bit of a cubby fella, and from the picture I could see the same was true for my nemesis. Food is my weakness and I prayed the same was true for my assassin. With a glimmer of hope I rose from my panic room, (or what I like to call, my den,) and headed out to the battlefield to meet my foe. As I walked down the hall to where the battle would await, the theme from the A-Team, was playing in my head. Upon entering the garage I went straight away to the can of bird food and removed the lid. The sweet aroma of sunflower seeds, rye seeds, other really small black seeds, peanuts, and corn, filled the warm, heavy, summer air. I retreated from the can to observe my enemy, and prayed he would be foolish enough to deviate from his plan of my demise to enjoy the sweet cornucopia of tasties laid before him.

In the soft florescent glow of the artificial moon that lit the battlefield (in other words I had the florescent lights on in the garage), I waited with my rifle. I must admit that I wondered about the stopping power of the colibri cartridges I had purchased to fight off my foe. I wish they would have had extreme shock ammo in the powerful .22, but sadly they did not. I wondered how the little colbri cartages would function, being that I did not have a chance to go to the range and test them. I knew my the old marlin lever action would cycle them, but wondered about the point of impact as compared to the powerhouse, Remington Golden Bullet packs and the Federal bulk packs. This was no time to doubt my equipment. I had the accurate old timer marlin and the 22/45 that made me victorious over my enemy last night. I felt well armed.

Well Time crawled by, and I grew tried of waiting for my enemy, so I closed the rat proof garage door and closed the can of bird food. As I laid in bed, I realized that I had seriously under estimated my enemy, it made my blood run cold. I realized that he would pick the time and place for battle. Today I will be heading to my local gun shop and will be picking up my new berretta bobcat. I will be prepared to face the threat that this masterful assassin poses me. I guess all I can do now is go about my daily business, constantly being situationally alert. I will not let this little rat win by changing my lifestyle, I will not give in to fear. I refuse to be a sheep, but I will be a cat (wait, that could be interrupted that I am a pus, ah never mind) ok forget the cat, a sheepdog.
Yorec, Xring,

Regarding: "I can't believe there wre actully a couple of posts advocating not shooting 'cause he was leaving! This was a rat doing what rats do - scavanging food. Left alive to escape, he'd remember where he got the free meal and return for more. If the dumpster didn't have any tasty treat, or if the mood hit, he'd explore the rest of the place looking for more interesting places, tidbits. Pretty soon ya got a colony living in your dark and tiny spaces under the house. Only a matter of time before the invading force is ready to attemp ousting the landlords."

I apologize, I didn't know about rats' memory and return and search tactics.
My comment, I now realize, was therefore poor. Sorry!
so, let's see.

you had a handgun.

you went back for another weapon, and passed over rifles for ANOTHER HANDGUN.


personally, i would have gone for my 39a in such a situation, but probably not shoot at a retreating animal. if i had to, the closed action and long barrel would reduce noise and debris, and what there was would be pointed in one direction in my garage, instead of two. better to keep unburned powder off the canned goods.

i still don't see it as a good reason to shoot the animal, though. he's not the one who left the garage door open and the top off the seed.

though i suppose wanting to shoot people who walk in through open borders towards open invitations is the american way these days... ;)
I can't believe that no one has commented on the fact that he took two shots to kill the little invader, and then begun a discussion on what caliber would have been best for a one-shot stop for rats. :D

I would've voted for the .454Casull.

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