Hall Director "Very offended" by one of Oleg's poster, any similar experiences?

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Dec 24, 2002
Since I live in the dorms here at UDel, I'm constantly inundated with information regarding women's self-defense classes, constant lectures about locking our room doors even when we go down the hall to the bathroom, free rape-whistle handouts, emails lauding the benefits of pepperspray, etc. I finally decided to share some of Oleg's work with my fellow residents by hanging this picture (the ~40ish woman pointing her Beretta right at the camera with "Gun control protects rapists from disappointments like this" caption) (this was hung on my door after the last one I put up was water-logged during a prank by one of my friends, that one was the "Rapist's Wet Dream/Worst Nightmare" pic, which had been up for about 3 weeks) on the outside of my room door. All was fine for the last five or so days, when today I got a note on the outside of my door from the Hall Director (basically the boss of all the RAs in this building and the next one over) that she was "very offended" by the poster.

I've since removed it and replaced it with a poster saying "Thought Criminal" in 3" high, all-caps letters. I wonder how she'll react to that one, maybe I'll be able to catch her and find out exactly why she is "very offended" by the poster.

Anyway, to my question, has anyone else ever had a problem with someone being offended by some of Oleg's work?

Too funny. There are times when I wish I'd have been a bit less caring about the feelings of people who are ignorant, and just gone ahead and destroyed their misconceptions.
It went something like:
I am very offended by the sign. (arrow pointing down to poster)

It was written on my whiteboard, which I erased when I got into my room (I should have scanned it first, I admit. :eek: ).


[Edit: grammar]
...I got a note on the outside of my door from the Hall Director (basically the boss of all the RAs in this building and the next one over) that she was "very offended" by the poster.

Some people believe a commoner's place is to submit to the predations of the criminal class, since after all, only aristocrats are entitled to defend their lives and property.
You definitely need to talk to her in person. Call her out on her enigmatic and non-descriptive, emotional blurb. She is an idiot (obviously) for claiming righteous indignation and expecting a two word reaction to substitute for dialogue.
she was "very offended" by the poster
Of course she was. Rapists have feelings too, you know. :rolleyes:

I was once asked to supervise a court ordered 'group' for sex offenders. I listened to all the reasons why I should be involved then told the leftist who ran it that I wouldn't supervise her because I thought the best way to really rehabilitate them was via road crew therapy, breaking big rocks into little ones all day then playing drop the soap with Tyrone every night for a few years. She told me I wasn't being fair.

Not being one to put up posters, I have never had any problem with anyone being offended by Oleg's art, but the true liberal mentality takes offense at anything which reminds them there are traditional values in the world.

I've since removed it and replaced it with a poster saying "Thought Criminal" in 3" high, all-caps letters.

Were I you, I'D put the poster right back up. Well, I would never have taken it down in the first place. But I vote for putting it back. Preferably right next to the THOUGHT CRIMINAL line. :evil: As someone mentioned in their sigline (I can't remember who) free speech is about being PC. We have protected free speech so we can make other people uncomfortable. If your RHA is offended maybe she needs to examine her beliefs a little. My $2*10^-2...
You go to a school whose teams are called "the Blue Hens", what do you expect?:neener:

Seriously, does she have a problem with the fundamental right of self defense? Exctly what does she think is an appropriate response to a rapist? Unfortunately, this idiot is in a position to mess with you some, so take care with making your case:banghead:

One thing I have noticed about this type of PC blissninney, they all pray to God for someone with a gun to come bail thier pansyasses out when they're in real trouble:barf: Good luck!
Thats 1-AA National Football Champion Blue Hens, Mike in VA. :D

I would put the poster back up, but with only 75 days to go until graduation (and none of my friends could easily accomodate me if I got kicked out of the dorms), I'm a little wary of going Shock-and-Awe on her with my entire Oleg collection.

If posting the image complies with your school's established rules, absolutely put it back up. Your RD can be offended all she wants, but if you're in compliance she can indeed cram it with walnuts. Either way please don't let this insult slide.
Some kid in my dorm has a picture of the devil with the caption, "worship satan" written under it, right next to a cartoon picturing santa being, ummm, "jollied" by a bunch of naked female elves.

They probably let it fly because Satan is anti-gun.
Makes me wonder what type of "free speech" rights there are in dorms? The forum isn't a public forum or a quasi-public forum. If it is private property (although owned and managed by the University), then check your lease agreement. Correct me if I'm wrong, but University rules don't apply to dormitories, do they and even if they did, those rules must be pretty lose regarding free speech. And if the lease agreement is silent, then you may have the right to post what you want.

MeekandMild - you are truly a man of compassion. I believe in rehabilitation through reincarnation. It reduces recedivism too.
I agree with those who said to put the poster back up. Actually, put even more of Oleg's posters up. Add the "Never Again" Holocaust themed ones to the anti-rapist ones. Be an equal opportunity offender. :evil:
Ask her WHY she was offended, I'd like to know.......

She did not say take it down , she just said she was offended :)
PUT it back up!!!!!!!
The poster is up, but on the inside of my room (she cant make me take anything down that is not visible from the door, this one is on the same wall as the door). Spring break is next week, so I'll start putting up replacements when I return from Florida (sadly, it doesnt look like my FL CCW will arrive in-time for me to carry down there :( ). Current plan is one at a time, just replacing them as she complains. Oleg's made a lot of posters over the years, I doubt she comes by my room more than once a day, I dont think I will run out. :evil:

Hearing her reasoning as to why I cant advocate Jews shooting Nazis in self-defense is definitely going to be interesting, should she keep being offended. :rolleyes:


Here's the givens:

- University Environment

- Feminist/Liberal RA

- Oleg Poster

Sheeple sees a poster that is pro-woman, anti-rapist, and pro-gun. She dosen't like it, but can't get the normal black/white emotive dichotomy going properly, but she knows she dosen't like it.

Ergo, she's "offended".
the thought police strike often on campus,
now is no different than when 'we were young'!

it's funny how liberals support CHOICE
as long as its THEIR choice :D

violence is bad in their system,
even if it's self defense.
don't forget, their misguided opinion
in spite of FBI statistics which refute the
myth that those who give in survive!
I'd do a twist on my sig line and put that up.

Rapist prefer: an unarmed and gagged victim.

See how that twists her panties!
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