halloween costume...

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I guess the Olsen twins would be gun related
'Failure to feed' comes to mind.

How about a slightly incinerated Travis Barker cosume (failure to eject?)
my sistyer's school did western day and wouldnt allow six shooters haha
Duct taped a 1 1/2" piece of pvc tubing to an old rifle stock, put on a red flannel jacket and an old hunting hat on and played Elmer Fudd at a Halloween party at a home for the retarded kids in Illinois. My Wascally Wabbit accent and 6 pockets full of balloons was a big hit. One of the school counselors actually checked out my (gun?) and let me bring it in with some misgivings. Blowing up the long skinny balloons and shooting them out of the barrel really had the kids going. It was hard to get them from me so we could do the organized games. Next time I bring a balloon pump, I got so lip tired I couldn't hold my lips together to blow up anymore balloons.

An idea would be to make a wire and cardboard frame and form a rifle shell with holes for the arms and face. Best not to go below the waist with it. We did that with a giant Hershey Kiss once, won a prize but no way to sit down.
"Dress up AS a gun"

can i pull your trigger :what:

till the late 80's i dressed like a cowboy (even before CASS). not PC since than. unprimed ammo in the 6-guns and cartrage loops.
The Punisher.
Cobra soldier (bad guys from GI Joe).
The Joker (with polished slide glock with silencer and extended mag)

Seen both of those done pretty well in the past.

Also seen some impressive HALO costume pictures from gamer conventions.
If inclined to dress up, I just put on a blue suit, white shirt, tie, black plastic framed glasses. When asked, I'm Clark Kent.

I have been known to stick a latex glove in my pocket as a Hallowe'en costume when I forgot about the company parties. Depending on the asker of the question, "Where's your costume?" I'd pull out the rubber glove and tell them, "There's my costume. I'm a proctologist."

Aaaaalmost got in trouble for that one.

One time I stuck all the lab equipment on me I could when I forgot about the party --see attached. For the life of me, I can't remember what the rodlike thing was in my right hand.

So don't ask. It was taken in 1983.

Oh, I'm a cut-up, I tell ya. A real rascal.

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Floral dress, high heels(or combat boots), old WWII era Army helmet fancy gloves, jewelry (earrings, necklaces, bracelets) and to top it all off, an M1 Garand. You're Corporal Max Klinger. I went as Hawkeye last year because I already own combat boots, bdu pants, dog tags, and a Hawaiian shirt. The Klinger costume would take a few bucks at Goodwill to pull off.
I'm going as Gordon Freeman this year, but that's more crowbar related than gun. But it's an easy costume to pull off. Either that, or Arthur Dent (even though that's not a gun related one). I'm unsure.

But yes, mall ninja, soldier, cowboy, Rambo/Mercenary, Sniper (how about a Ghille Suit?). All those are good gun related costumes.
Go as Oddball from Kelly's Heroes. Leather jacket, helmet, leather flap holster with a Luger inside. And go without shaving for a while.
"...you see, like, all the tanks we come up against are bigger and better than ours, so all we can hope to do is, like, scare 'em away, y'know. This gun is an ordinary 76mm but we add this piece of pipe onto it, and the Krauts think, like, maybe it's a 90mm. We got our own ammunition, it's filled with paint. When we fire it, it makes... pretty pictures, scares the hell outta people! And we have a loudspeaker, when we go into battle we play music, very loud. It kind of... calms us down."
"Look, baby, I'm kinda hung up. I need sixty feet of bridge."
"Why don't you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don't you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?"
Is that bear showing proper trigger claw discipline?

(Oh, come on, you know some idjit had to ask it sooner or later. I just happened to be the idjit.)
went to a large costume party/rave a few years back dressed like a airborne first SGT, had a assualt vest and my face fully cammied up lol.

going threw security there like "yo is dis bullet proof"

I was like, seriously its light as a feather, whats it sposed to stop, pellets and bb's?? It DOES have the inserts for plates though :)
One year in high school I helped my brother dress as Kurt Cobain; he put on a flannel shirt and tattered jeans, and I painted an entry and exit wound on his head. He wore it to school, it was awesome.
gorilla cowboy

I am thinking of a gorilla suit with a set of cowboy guns and holstersm and to top it off a cowboy hat
I've gone as Indiana Jones before, complete with Smith & Wesson (model 10) revolver. I'd have used a Webley, but couldn't procure one in time for Halloween.

Though I'm tempted to go as Private Pyle, I'd have to get a wood stock for my M1A and I'd have to shave my head. :D
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