Hastert opens Mouth on AWB and Firmly Inserts Foot

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Jeff White

Staff member
Dec 24, 2002
Alma Illinois
I thought the NPR interview would come back to haunt us. When will they learn to quit talking out of both sides of their mouth. To come out and say it would pass in the house but there is no sense in bringing it up cause the Senate defeated it is just plain stupid. It's time Hastert retired.

Hastert misled public on status of assault-weapons ban, critics charge


He said Senate
had rejected extension,
when it hadn't

WASHINGTON - Less than six weeks before the federal assault-weapons ban expires, some supporters of an extension charged House Speaker Dennis Hastert on Wednesday with misleading the country after he said the Senate had already defeated it.

The Senate voted 52-47 on March 2 in support of an amendment extending the ban. But the National Rifle Association then pressured Senate Republican leaders to kill the gunmaker-liability legislation that contained the amendment. The ban, passed in 1994, expires Sept. 13. President George W. Bush has said he would sign an extension.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., the ban's main sponsor, has been pressing House Republican leaders to hold a vote on an extension. But Hastert's press secretary, John Feehery, said Wednesday that a vote "doesn't look likely right now."

In an interview with National Public Radio broadcast Wednesday, Hastert, R-Ill., said the extension "might have a chance" to pass in the House, but "there's no promise we can get it out of the Senate because the Senate has defeated it already."

Joshua Horwitz, executive director of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, issued a statement calling Hastert's remarks "highly misleading."

Feehery said Hastert was correct in saying the bill that contained the assault weapons extension was defeated in the Senate.

Feinstein wrote a letter to Hastert on Wednesday noting that the Senate "is on the record voting in favor of an extension."

In an interview, Feinstein said she seized on Hastert's comment that an extension might be able to pass the House to call on him to hold a vote.

"The fate of this bill clearly rests with Speaker Hastert and the president of the United States," she said. "It is doable, and I think everybody knows that."
It had BETTER NOT pass the House - not after all the grandstanding the House leadership did saying the votes were not there for any AWB renewal!
That was pretty idiotic of Hastert. He should quit playing games of trying to pass the pressure off on other people it will only make him look dishonest.
It should be abundantly apparent by now that Illinois Republicans are a largely incompetent bunch.
If the Senate votes for something, then votes against it (how Kerry-esque..), its still dead.

Hastert is way beyond incompetent. The only positive thing I see coming from an AWB renewal is that alot more people will wake up to what's going on and stop voting Democrat and republican thinking that they're two different political parties. But I think the people in control of our lives are going to give us a small concession on this one because there's already been too many ripples exposing them lately. And as everyone knows, the law wouldn't really help them that much anyways. They have far more effective tools at their disposal.
I never trusted Hastert because he was approved by the Democrats.

I want to know what is wrong with just standing on principal and telling NPR the AWB is bad legislation and has accomplished nothing.

Why do spinelessrepublicans insist on playing both sides against the middle? He should have said, "Good riddence to bad legislation. We have no intentions of enacting any legislation for any reason that is meaningless or counterproductive." Opps! Silly me! That smacks of principal, something republicans have in short supply.
Hastert is a fool at best, and maybe something worse.

We're not out of the woods yet as far as this AWB sunset thing is concerned. People who are already popping the champagne corks over it may be in for a rude awakening on the morning after. I'm not counting my chickens before they hatch. I'll believe the AWB is dead when I *see* it dead.

I'll believe the AWB is dead when I *see* it dead.
It f'ing well better f'ing die - or the guy who lives on the 3rd floor at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. in DC is going to have to start packing up his stuff.

I personally don't think that it will be replaced between at least 9/14 and the lame duck session of this Congress. Bush & Co. know that they are in a close fight, and betraying several million loyal supporters while gaining few, if any, from the anti-gun side is not exactly good politics.
Hastert is neither a fool or incompetent. He is a highly skilled legislative manager. But I think it's safe to say he doesn't really care about gun rights.
But I think it's safe to say he doesn't really care about gun rights.

Agreed, but if he's reminded that we DO care about our gun rights, and that past history has shown that those who eff with those rights tend to lose lots of votes and sometimes the next election, THEN he will act AS IF he cared. I don't care whether he actually gives a rat's arse, just how he and the rest of Congress act.

Just so any Hastert staff or RNC types are lurking, I WILL NOT vote for any candidate of any party who either votes for a renewal/expansion of ANY of the AWB, nor will I vote for any official who signs such a Constitutional abomination into law. Karl, are you paying attention?
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