Heidi and Spencer... pro-gun celebs

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Prince Yamato

Aug 16, 2006
This was talked about last month when the two were reported buying a bunch of guns in Beverly Hills. Well, here's a yahoo.com news link to a photo (w/ guns). These two very photogenic people posed at a local gun club. Yes, they have poor trigger discipline... oh well, it was staged, so I'm sure the guns were unloaded. Say what you will about these two, but it proves that gun ownership has gone mainstream. Click link for photo.


Los Angeles (E! Online) - We, like you, suffer occasional bouts of Speidi-induced fatigue.

But then they go and put so much effort into their stagey photo shoots that we just don't have the heart to ignore them. With these two it's never, "Oh, look there's Matthew McConaughey shirtless again!"

No, these two know how to keep it interesting. Like yesterday, when they decided pack some heat for an afternoon at the firing range doing their best Starsky & Hutch impersonation.

This gun-toting twosome seem to be aiming to find something to set them apart from all the other reality show goofballs, and we wouldn't bet against them.

For one, Heidi clearly believes in the right to bare arms. And legs. And Spencer, well, you just know he's ready to pull out the big guns to make his goals happen.

So dream big, kids. And keep those safeties on, OK?
I still have no idea who they are. I must watch the wrong channels. I'm glad they are helping to make guns a more common sight in the hands of the good guys though, as long as they do it responsibly and legally.
Do they have CHLs? The article made it sound like they did ("Pack some heat") but they were going to a range...and in California.
I think those are some kids from one of those MTV shows... I read an article a while back and I believe that was the girl they were talking about...
Yep...here you go everybody...I always see the questions about which celebutard is pro or anti...

BEHOLD!!! Pics and video of the best Hollywood pro-gun celebs you could ever hope for.

Heidi and Spencer - video is down the page, 53 page photo spread by clicking on the picture embed in the story.

This is full of epic fail.
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Looks like incredibly poor publicity, seeing as they are pretty well known for their monumental bouts of stupidity.

And I second the "Epic Fail" comment
Yikes! Somebody needs to talk to both of them about rules #1, 2, and 3. When they were sitting at the table in the first part of the video, they violated at least those. I woulda slapped 'em both upside the head(gently).
OK so their trigger discipline sucks,

Oh those are the Wilson's they purchased.

For everyone asking who they are the are famous for being in several MTV reality shows, And for security reasons I can see why they got them.
They act like goobers in the video. Just like, oh I don't know a million other people who post their vids on YouTube. They have bad trigger discipline and don't know where to keep the muzzle pointed. Can you blame them? They're from Hollywood, where most gunplay is learned on set. Other than that, it's two people enjoying a day at the range.
While I am not a fan of these two, those people calling them stupid should back up and think for a second. These two play the PR game REALLY REALLY well. They do stage a lot of their photos and even work it out with the photographer to get paid for the photos. They have both made millions for "acting" like an idiot. And yes they do work from the all press is good press philosophy, but they are definitely getting paid.
While I am not a fan of these two, those people calling them stupid should back up and think for a second.

I didn't call them stupid. I'm assuming they're trainable or I wouldn't have suggested it, although my suggested method might be a little rough for the first time around. :evil:

After all, it worked for me...
I'm sure there Hollywierd address are available --Write them and educate them about the 10 gun safety rules! I'm sure though they already have been corrected and will do better in the future !
I hope we get more Celebs on our side!
Especially ROCK stars . If you have ever read ROLLING STONE mag you understand why !
I know nothing about these two, but it seems like somebody's in the background couching. It might be they just need to find a better expert.
Hey at least they bought guns, two more people making "assault" weapons even more common.
Two Wilson Combat CQBs, two Benelli M4s, and a Springfield M1A Scout shows they've at least got the sense to go to a gunstore with good taste.

I, like maay others here, don't really know who they are but from what I've read here in posts and the limited reading from the net linked articles, they just seem like the current crop of "dumb celebrities"

Come on, they're actors and actresses and that what they get paid to do. Do you really think Jessica Simpson is that "blonde"? they're smarter than we give them credit for and they have the American young crowd eating out of ther hands. Perhaps, over time(hopefully) they will prove themselves to be responsible firearms owners and will give good press for the rest of us.
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