Help me name this pistol

Xander, or maybe Xerxes.

X is ten in Roman numerals.

It's hard to find names that both begin with X and have a Turkish connection.

Xerxes was the Persian King of Kings who is probably best known today as the king whose army defeated the 300 Spartans at Thermopylae (remember the phrase μολὼν λαβέ/molṑn labé/come and take them - according to Plutarch, Xerxes was the one Leonidas said this to.) Modern Turkey was part of the Persian Achaemenid Empire in Xerxes time.

Xander is a common short form of the Greek name Alexander. Supposedly xander is also related to "exander", a Latin expression meaning defender of men -- some online baby name dictionaries state this but I have my suspicions. More to the point, Alexander the Great of Macedon conquered and his successors ruled the Achaemenid Empire, again including the territory of modern Turkey.
"Shooty McShooterface"
I was thinking "Shooty McShootface". :D


Maybe 'Thor'? Obviously nothing Turkish about that, but still not a terrible name for a longslide 10mm.

Or, building on Frankl03's suggestion, maybe 'yeşil çekiç' which means 'Green Hammer'.
You can call it Mehmet or Mustafa unless it's a she then call it Elif or Zeynep. It's Turkish....... Keep it all in the family........ o_O ;)
Pterodactyl slayer…no that sounds cooler when you say it than read it and I think that may be the name of a new round that doesn’t do anything new anyway.

Doesn’t really look like a Betsy…how about Steve?
I name my weapons after evil females, godesses/demons & historical figures

My bolt in .223 - Lilith, Adam's 1st wife, and the first demon

My AR - Jezebel, witch & priestess of Ba'al

My glock - Elizabeth (Bathory) bathed in maidens blood to stay young.

My mossy 500 - Angrboda (means "bringer of sorrow," giantess mother of Loki's 3 terrible children)

Have fun with it.