Here's one for the DIY handyman...
LESSON 1: Pest control
Ever get tired of those nasty tent catipillars and web worms making nests and infesting themselves in your beautiful trees and destroying them and making your property look like crap? Here's a helpful tip, Last year I had a bad tentworm infestation, at least 30 trees were being consumed by these nasty webby nests. Some trees had as many as 8 nests. I had heard of people burning them out but the amount of trees and nest's I had it wasn't a very feasable option, so I went to the store and bought a couple 100/rd value boxes of 12ga shells and went to work. I live out in the middle of nowhere so I was able to do this safely. I did this last summer and havnt seen 1 nest since. I give this method a 10 for effectiveness
LESSON 1: Pest control
Ever get tired of those nasty tent catipillars and web worms making nests and infesting themselves in your beautiful trees and destroying them and making your property look like crap? Here's a helpful tip, Last year I had a bad tentworm infestation, at least 30 trees were being consumed by these nasty webby nests. Some trees had as many as 8 nests. I had heard of people burning them out but the amount of trees and nest's I had it wasn't a very feasable option, so I went to the store and bought a couple 100/rd value boxes of 12ga shells and went to work. I live out in the middle of nowhere so I was able to do this safely. I did this last summer and havnt seen 1 nest since. I give this method a 10 for effectiveness