Here's a hotel horror story to get you thinking

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Dec 30, 2002
Here's a hotel horror story to get you thinking about personal defense. In this case there was already a SWAT team on hand, so likely the nearby rooms had already been evacuated. But whats to stop a knucklehead from adopting a similar strategy when they spot the first patrol unit arriving?

Suspects Tunnel Through Hotel To Elude Police

maybe Hudson had it figured :neener:
"They're coming outta the walls. They're coming outta the %@*%#$& walls!!"
And since when is stealing lotto tickets such a bright idea. Don't these idiots know you have to identify yourself if it is a major win??? Stoopid, stoopid, stoopid!!!

I used to service that Hotel. That one and many more have chaseways behind the rooms. I would have to go into the chaseways occasionally. The mirrors are exposed on the inside of the chase many of them have minute sscratches in them, put there so that maint. personnel could play peeping tom on their lunch breaks. From inside the chaseway that tiny scratch gives them full view of the bed and sink area of the room. Tje guest could not seeit if they looked.

How safe do you feel now?
Augustwest: no, she'll find a shuyster to sue the hotel. Thats the politically correct USA today, the crooks are just poor people that had such a hard childhood.... you know, the chiiiiillllldren...:barf:
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