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Hidden in United States Code

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What are they - exactly? A cozy little club. Let's take two of their star figures.

María Otero - ACCION International - whose father just happened to have worked for the "Inter-American Development Bank" in Washington DC. The IADB has done marvelous things for Latin America, and is reporting great increases in Latin American growth - much of it at our domestic expense. Think trade agreements, and more cheap imports to add to those from China, India etc.

Her husband, "Rev. Joe Eldridge" is a chaplain at the wonderful "American University" - which is almost exclusively involved in "international human rights". They are linked with Amnesty International; think global village type "human rights". Aka U.N. Declaration of Human rights - not our BORs.


ACCION Intl.; A "global micro finance institution". Nothing wrong with people borrowing money, nothing wrong with banks lending it. But a greater portion of our curent national predicament is credit. Instead of a stable monetary system issued and controlled directly by Congress, and a tax level commensurate with Constitutional Federal spending; we have a huge multi-trillion dollar national debt (with interest), rampant inflation, cheap imported labor - low wages all round, etc - and an enormous number of people deep in debt.

Let's move on to Betty F. Bumpers. Director of "Vital Voices Global Partnership". VVGP "envisions a world of peace, justice and economic opportunity for all, where the voice of every woman is heard and respected. Vital Voices invests in women who are leading social, economic and political progress in their countries."

A world of what? Peace? These people are not being honest - or they are incredibly stupid. Which is it?

Co-founder of "Every Child By Two". To quote; "Their mission is to "protect all children from vaccine preventable diseases by raising parental awareness of the critical need for timely infant immunizations, fostering the establishment of a systematic method to locate and immunize children, and providing convenient access to immunization services into the future."

... Family doctors do this stuff don't they? "Morning Mrs ___________. Congratulations. Beautiful baby! .. that makes uh, three now eh? Lottsa work! Are there any vaccinations you would like your enfant to be given while she is in the hospital?"

What on earth is a "systematic method to locate and immunize children"?? Wonder what Bumpers is collecting from Merck, Glaxo-SmithKline and Co for her efforts?

Bumpers is also founder of "Peace Links". Quote: "was founded in Washington, D.C. in 1982 at the height of the Cold War by Betty Bumpers and other Congressional wives" and it describes itself as "a volunteer movement that strives for a safer world for our children by empowering women to work towards abolishing nuclear weapons, educating children and families in conflict management skills and linking with women and men worldwide who seek alternatives to war."

See: Sourcewatch.org

And these people are "advising" our pres and Congress on national defense?

Right. And while chewing this over, keep in mind that these people were appointed by the president. Bipartisan by law of course - can't have an elected party actually steering our nation now can we ;)


A world of what? Peace? These people are not being honest - or they are incredibly stupid. Which is it?

Ah, yes, world peace....but, "only the dead have seen the end of war."

For the younger generation who haven't read Santayana, there's always the
world called "Miranda" from the movie "Serenity":


That world had "peace" ;)

"There's been no war here...it's the PAX, the PAX we added to the air
that messed things up.

Do not trust anything man ever tries to make on this earth.

For that reason, I will keep my weapons for defensive purposes until
some golden future age proscribed by Providence alone. Until then you
never lie down.....
About all this shows so far is that liberals have maintained the same absurdist fuzzy notions for a very long time now.

Yeah basically.

As far as I am concerned I dont want a safer world, I like things the way they are, people are being people and killing is as natural for us as breathing air.

These people sound like a bunch of hippies, all they are doing is preparing us for the robot alien attack when we will be subjegated and enslaved because we cant fight back. America is not a utopia and never will be and I sure as hell dont want it to be, because that would make things very damn boring.:cuss:

I also dont see how this is "HIDDEN" its in plain view if you found it, just got to be paying attention, best place to hide things is in plain view.
WOW this thread sure did take off into new directions, talk about heated debate. Which can be a good thing at times. Just remember it needs to stay friendly and not start warring with each other on it.

Strong debate is good, and is how progress is made.

Rev. Michael
First, no "U.S. Code" is valid if it wasn't passed by the Constitutional process. "Secret" code is not Constitutional, so it can be ignored.

Secondly, I do, actually, think there is some sort of push by world leaders to move the world in the direction stated by the poster. I think a lot of people learned a lot of lessons after WW2, but they were the wrong lesson. There are people that want to make the world a One World government at any cost, ends justifying the means, so that WW2 never happens again. Sounds noble, until you realize that Freedom and Individual Liberty are negotiable to this crowd.

GHW Bush is one of them. Hence the "New World Order" speech.
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World army, who would we fight aliens when Mars attacks?
I just posted it relaying it thought someone here could shed some more light on it perhaps.


No, it reads like you posted it as a fact that there is a secret internal government conspiracy going on to replace the Consitution and hence everything else relevant to our rights, hence draw folks into a "big, bad government - sky is falling" discussion.

If you were searching for information aobut this, to shed light on the matter, I would have thought that you would have actually posted a query about the topic in your opening post instead of presenting everything as factual.
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