Arizona Prepares For Secession

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Sep 22, 2003
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Arizona Prepares For
Secession From US
By Julie Foster

An Arizona state legislative committee has approved a resolution calling for the dissolution of the federal government in the event that it abolishes the U.S. Constitution, declares martial law or confiscates firearms -- scenarios some say are not unrealistic. Critics of the resolution, however, call the measure a "total waste of time."
Rep. Karen Johnson, a Mesa Republican and chair of the House Committee on Federal Mandates and States' Rights, authored the resolution which the committee approved 3-2. Only the committee's vice-chair, Republican Rep. Gail Griffin, abstained from voting.
Specifically, House Concurrent Resolution 2034 outlines the origin of the United States, emphasizing the sovereignty of the states and their constitutional right to "establish a new federal government for themselves by following the precedent established by Article VII, Constitution of the United States, in which nine of the existing thirteen states dissolved the existing Union under the Articles of Confederation and automatically superceded the Articles."
It also articulates constitutional violations committed by the federal government as justification for the measure, saying "... the fifty current principals, or signatories, to the [Constitution] have done well in honoring and obeying it, yet the federal agent has, for decades, violated it in both word and spirit. The many violations of the Constitution of the United States by the federal government include disposing of federal property without the approval of Congress, usurping jurisdiction from the states in such matters as abortion and firearms rights and seeking control of public lands within state borders," says the resolution.
By adopting HRC 2034, Arizona states its intention to dissolve the current federal government with the approval of 34 other states and, in essence, start over. Participating states would re-ratify and re-establish the present Constitution "as the charter for the formation of a new federal government, to be followed by the election of a new Congress and President and the reorganization of a new judiciary," in keeping with the original intent of the "founding fathers." Individual members of the military will return to their respective states and report to the governor until a new president is elected.
In addition, each state will assume a prorated portion of the national debt and will own all land within its borders. After the new government is formed, the remaining 15 states will be permitted to join the revised union upon application, as was the case with the original union. (see more on this article at this link below)
OMG. How cool is this?!?! I suddenly like my state government a LOT more. I say let's do it! I wonder if the media will try to paint the Congresspeople who passed this as "militant redneck whacko militia members?"
Explain this part like I am 5. Will the land be Arizona's, yet private property owners keep their property?

I assume that all they are saying is "anything in our borders is no longer US soil, but soil of the Country of Arizona."
The state that has been screwed over the most lately, and has a chance in Hell of seceding, is Texas.

The state that should secede, but never will, is California.

I will move immediately to the first state to secede.

Now THAT'S what should have been posted in the first place.

I have no use for Rense and he has low credibility with me. He's right up there with Mark from Michigan, et al as far as I'm concerned.
Both Cosmos7 and Hal are correct as well as the links they offered. The difference is that the original article by Julie Foster found at and the link posted by Cosmos7 all relate to a HCR 2034p from the 44th legislative session of the AZ legislature in the year 2000. The link posted by Hal refers to HCR 2034p from the 46th legislative session of the AZ legislature convened in the year 2003. The following was copied from the link offered by Cosmos7:

¦ REFERENCE TITLE: abolish federal government; state sovereignty ¦
¦ ¦
¦ ¦
¦ ¦
¦ State of Arizona ¦
¦ House of Representatives ¦
¦ Forty-fourth Legislature ¦
¦ Second Regular Session ¦
¦ 2000 ¦
¦ ¦
¦ ¦
¦ HCR 2034 ¦
¦ Introduced by ¦
¦ Representatives Johnson, Cooley ¦

Individual members of the military will return to their respective states and report to the governor until a new president is elected

This part of the plan needs a little work. I don't think we need US military personnel abandoning thier duty locations in places like the Korean DMZ, ICBM silos, Carriers, etc.

Better to just call a new Constitutional Convention, and reauthorize selected parts of the present Constitution with new checks on the Federal Government and Judiciary, and leave the military as is.
Please post a list of reputable Arizona realtors. Thank you in advance.
a bit too romantic...

Secession by a large group of "heartland" states that led to a renewal of basic American principles is worth pondering. But AZ, or TX, or NM, or CA? At this juncture this kind of balkanization would simply make them satellites of Mexico in this writer's opinion.
So if this really is genuine (Please, dear Lord, say it is), what are the other 35 states that the article said will follow suit?

I hope Utah is on the list... if it's not, then... well, I really like Arizona too. :D

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