Hillary in 2008? Why she can't win.

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there is a rather prominent story from her childhood that she tells about how, in America, even a black woman can grow up to be President.
Makes you think.

This might be the most myopic comment I have seen on these boards yet.

Guys, being a Black woman is not qualification for anything. Even being a talented bright one is not qualification to be president. No president has ever won without winning an election somewhere else. The party basically insists on it because campaigning is a good tool to see how people perform under pressure. It also allows people to gather their grass-roots support, something Bush learned very early in the game prior to 2000.
So give up the idea of Rice running for president. Aint gonna happen.
Guys, being a Black woman is not qualification for anything. Even being a talented bright one is not qualification to be president. No president has ever won without winning an election somewhere else. The party basically insists on it because campaigning is a good tool to see how people perform under pressure. It also allows people to gather their grass-roots support, something Bush learned very early in the game prior to 2000.
So give up the idea of Rice running for president. Aint gonna happen.
1. Oh, I FULLY agree that skin tone and/or presence/absence of dangly bits should have zilch to do with being president, or dog catcher, or anything else. I would also never put forward anyone as a candidate that wasn't qualified, presence or absence of PC qualities notwithstanding. Rice is, however, brilliant. The fact that she has internal plumbing and a dark skin tone is merely icing on the cake. She stands on her merits. Period.

2. No presdent has ever won without winning an election somewhere else? Perhaps true in recent history...but this is at least as much due to networking and dues-paying as it has to do with elections being trials by fire. Condi might manage an end-around on all of this if she is able to present herself as the right candidate at the right time. The 'party insisting' on anything means nothing. If she is able to run an aggressive primary campaign and woo the registered republicans, it doesn't matter a bit what the RNC wants. Yeah yeah, the national committees of both parties exert a lot of influence...but when it comes down to brass tacks, its primary votes that are counted, nothing else.

Also, the primary is an excellent place to see if you'll fold under pressure. *cough*Dean*cough* *SHRIEK!* :D

And, also, the same could be said of congressional hearings...of which Dr. Rice has endured more than her share.

And, to nitpick...what elections did Washington win? ;)

3. It remains to be seen if she wants to run and, moreover, if 2008 is when she would want to do it. I can really see her feeling it out and electing to run for, perhaps, congress...then giving the Oval Office a shot a few more years down the road.

Hillary being in play is just a blog legend.

Yeah, that's the ticket! I've actually seen some blogs that say she is going to run for Senate! Like anybody would vote for her. One crazy guy even thought she would run for Senate in New York! Like those people would elect a hick woman who couldn't even stand up to her husband! She is from Arkansas for God's sake. And she's never held elective office. NO WAY she could win a Senate seat in Arkansas much less in New York. She has to start with something smaller first!


Sorry to disappoint Coronach and other Rice fans. Aint gonna happen. Being bright and articulate does not guarantee electibility. Look at Alan Keyes. He is one of the brightest most articulate guys out there and he just proved he could not be elected dog-catcher.
I see Rice as possibly SecState somewhere down the line. Hopefully she'll do a better job than Powell.

Oh, yeah. Washington ran unopposed. :neener:
The Rabbi is right; I believe that she is one of the most technically proficient people to serve in the administration, she defends most eloquently George Bush's policies but I've never heard any personal political declaration from her as to how she feels about a lot of the pushbutton hot issues that she would have to address as a candidate for elected office.

I may be wrong but I believe that her hide isn't tough enough to take the personal attacks that would come from liberal Democrats and about 85-90% of blacks. The country saw an example of those attacks with Clarence Thomas and leading up to last week's election of George Bush; the left's passionate hatred of him(Bush). It takes a strong person to weather such attacks and come through it still standing and sane.

Colin Powell didn't have the hide for it and neither does Ms. Rice, in my opinion; despite her personal qualifications.
They still believe the Republican Party is a conservative party in favor of limited government.[/QUOTE said:

I think it will be Hilly in '08 but 4 years is along time in politics.
I often feel the last 4 years have been a long time.

I hope Bush surprises me and just turns out to be a real rooten-tooten pro-2A conservative small government non Rockefeller, non-Neocon Repub president but I'm also trying to figure out what to do with and how to support my share of the 14 million illegals he's planning to gate in any day.

The last person to go directly from the senate to the White House was JFK. The last person to be elected president without having served in another elected office was Eisenhower.

But Hillary doesn't have JFK's youthful charm, and Condi Rice didn't oversee a World War.

Nevertheless, get out and talk to dyed-in-the-wool Democrats. They love Hillary. Four years is a long way out to predict, but I'll bet she'll be in the primaries.
Hillary will definitely be there in '08, as Kerry's nomination and his losing the election was part of the Clinton's plan to setup Hillary in '08.

The media and the left will be marketing her as a way to return to the blissful days of slick's eight years during the '90's. By then national security will be less of an issue, which sets up an environment that the "blame America first" party can thrive in.

Don't believe Hillary can't win in '08. If we dismiss her chances prematurely, than we put ourselves in the same spot that Bush's critics thought when they dismissed him getting reelected.
DevilDog said:
Hillary will definitely be there in '08, as Kerry's nomination and his losing the election was part of the Clinton's plan to setup Hillary in '08.

The media and the left will be marketing her as a way to return to the blissful days of slick's eight years during the '90's. By then national security will be less of an issue, which sets up an environment that the "blame America first" party can thrive in.

Don't believe Hillary can't win in '08. If we dismiss her chances prematurely, than we put ourselves in the same spot that Bush's critics thought when they dismissed him getting reelected.

That's a pretty elaborate conspiracy theory. I could see Hillary running in '08 maybe, but by fate, not by any plan that she and Bill could control. Positioning herself in the Senate was certainly her own doing and could very well pay off, at least getting a chance to run. If the GOP really sees her coming, and as a followup to Kerry, I think they will do some real educating of the public about liberal politics.

Don't kid yourself. By 2008, a prime issue will be all the Supreme Court and constitutional amendment mess we went through in the last four years (2005-2008). It will be very much about who will name replacements for upcoming SCOTUS retirees. Maybe if we can clear abortion and gay rights off the table, we can get back to real government...maybe "under God", maybe not.

Bush would have to have some profound failures in support of social conservative issues for the Dems to even have a shot. Of course, the candidates are major variables too. The GOP would have to pick a good one. That might come sooner than later, if Cheney's health falters. Powell's replacement may well be picked with that in mind.
Condi Rice will not run for POTUS or even be on the ticket as VP. Too many of the Republican core voters would never vote for a black POTUS, or a woman. The fact that she's both would make her un-electable to a great many people in this country, especially down in Dixie.

Any Southerners ready to howl in protest don't have a grasp on reality. Not a value statement, just a description of the way things are. Nobody can become POTUS without being palatable to the South, as Kerry just found out.
I think Hillary will run in 2008. Like Kerry, she will do well in the primaries because she is popular in the Democratic party. However, once out in the general election, she will be beated, probably worse than Kerry (depending on who the Republicans put up). While many people love her, even more people really hate her/dislike her. she is still too controversial. Rudy Guliani or Condi Rice/other qualified and well known woman would kick Hillary's ass. Hillary would take the northeast, maybe not New Hampshire; CA, some upper mid west states if at all. But that would be it.

Side note - doesn't James Carville look like an alien? with that bald head and harsh facial features. if you saw him at night with just a little light available you'd be locking and loading on him.
muleshoe said:
I could be wrong, but wasn't Bush I a Senator? Of course that was prior to being VP.

No. I recall that he was CIA Director. I don't doubt that you would find a thorough biography with a search.
George Herbert Walker Bush ran for senator in 1964 and 1970. Both times he lost.

His Daddy Prescott did better. He was Senator of Connecticut and a very special friend of Germany. :evil:
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