Hit this CNN 10 round magazine ban poll

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Jan 10, 2010
Northwest Coast
Should Congress ban ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds?

Go to cnn.com - The poll is halfway down on the right side in a small box.

Currently 59% Yes / 41% No

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Oy, I thought this was common knowledge.


When you click on a link, the destination site knows where you came from. If they see a ton of referral links from a gun site, they'll just discount/block/delete those votes.
I don't think that poll is legit! I checked the results before I voted and it said the Total votes were 13,378 before I voted and after I voted no it still said the total was 13,378? Typical CNN BS!
If they see a ton of referral links from a gun site, they'll just discount/block/delete those votes.

Really? Do you think someone really goes through these throwaway polls and checks for referrer links? The polls are little more than a novelty. At most they might get mentioned as a side note in an article. I suspect if the results were skewed in a way they might not, they would simply dismiss the poll and not mention it rather than going to trouble of combing through the results to groom it for some desired effect.

This poll will be gone tomorrow and I'd be surprised if it got more than a sentence or two coverage ever.
Really? Do you think someone really goes through these throwaway polls and checks for referrer links? The polls are little more than a novelty. At most they might get mentioned as a side note in an article. I suspect if the results were skewed in a way they might not, they would simply dismiss the poll and not mention it rather than going to trouble of combing through the results to groom it for some desired effect.

This poll will be gone tomorrow and I'd be surprised if it got more than a sentence or two coverage ever.

All true, but the one time that someone does, and wants to write an article on it? I know ar15.com has been called out for bombing gun related polls.

When it comes to firemissions on polls, anonymous is always better.
voted... still 59 to 41- BS!
yeah i was thinking it was odd as well. i was watching it for a while now, and it's steadily been 59-41, but i just loaded it now and it changed to 60-40. so it's moving but in the wrong direction. i wish i could say it's hard to believe.

**edit: and after a reload it's back to 59-41 again. interesting statistical trending, if the numbers are indeed legit.
IMO, it would not be out of the question for sites that often get their polls rushed (from, say, here) to disregard the hits that come from certain websites. It would cut down on their bandwidth and keep the polls from getting skewed--or at least from getting skewed the wrong direction.

I hit it, from a cold link.
I voted...

... no change from previous percentage. Yes, BS.
There's a story was right across the page about a boy shooting his family with his "birthday rifle".
IMO, it would not be out of the question for sites that often get their polls rushed (from, say, here) to disregard the hits that come from certain websites. It would cut down on their bandwidth and keep the polls from getting skewed--or at least from getting skewed the wrong direction.

I hit it, from a cold link.
This is probably more likely. Easy for them to just set up a filter of known bombing sites.
2:32 EST 19 Jan 2011

Quick vote
Should Congress ban ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds?
Yes 59% 11453
No 41% 7901

In the documentary "Six" about the horrific slaughter of the Knoxville TN Lillelid family by a gang of occult teens from Pikeville KY, it was noted that the families of the teens had raised all sorts of red flags that were ignored by the authorities.


The parents and friends of several of the teenagers called the Kentucky authorities and the Virginia Highway Patrol with a description of the car the teens were travelling in, and a warning that the teens were armed, and that one was violating parole. Nothing was done. According to the New York Times Research study on rampage killers, it is common for friends, families and others to contact the authorities prior to a murder being carried out, only to be rebuffed by the police.

Plus the murders were not committed with mags over ten shots. the Virginia Tech mass killer put out all kinds of ignored warning signals. He used standard size 10 and 15 shot magazines to kill more people (33) than Loughner (6).

Research shows spree killers put out warning signs ignored by authorities before their rampage. So the answer to the problem is .... ban a symbolic thing and voodoo will make us safe.
compare the on-line readers poll to this

CNN commissioned a polling firm to do a random poll of 1014 individuals by telephone. To the Question 18 on how the AZ shootings affected support for stricter gun control, the results were:
More likely 28%
Less likely 3%
No change 69%
No opinion 0%

The results of a professional random poll were 3 to 7.
The CNN readers poll is running 6 to 4.
Which is why readers' polls are usually caveated as unscientific.
“All the bad guys around this world can get guns whenever they want. It’s just the good citizens have to go through all the background checks and everything.”

New York and California already have the 10 rd limit. No crime there.
I am very surprised by this poll, even considering that its from CNN.

I guess we will be seeing another ban soon.
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