Hit this poll - about carrying at speeches/rallies

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I'm torn on this one ... By the original intent of the 2A you should be able to be Armed in the presence of the President.

Then you have to realize the danger that exists by being Chief Executive and the importance of his safety to our national security. Whether or not you respect the man the Office and it's stability is very important for all of us. Then the question goes to Where do we draw the line of whose presence it is Okay to be armed in and whose it is not.

Under current laws carrying in the presence of the POTUS is at best suicidal..
There was a time when every able bodied man would carry even during political speeches.

The right to bear arms transcends the President, the Constitution, and even America. It is a natural right - "We hold these truths to be self evident"
I think if the Secret Service perceives meetings to be dangerous, they will simply not advise the POTUS to speak at those meetings. Do we really want a President more isolated in a plastic bubble than he already is?
I hate to say it but we're one crazy from losing any gun rights in this country. The next time it happen's that someone decides to take a shot at the president will be the end of gun rights in this country. Look at congress and the supreme ct. Their just waiting for this to happen. As much as I hate to say it I don't think anyone outside of law enforcement should be allowed to carry.

If you believe your last line

"As much as I hate to say it I don't think anyone outside of law enforcement should be allowed to carry. "

you need to find another country to live in.
Flor1 the problem is law enforcement are human just the same as the rest of us,most walk the straight and narrow,some might beat their wives,some might be on anti depressants some are achoholics or addicts,(more than you think as I'm in the program) the difference is when a LE officer commits suicide or any other gun crime or if an officer did assassinate the president while on duty at a rally it would be due to over stress or any other mental bullsh*t they can think up. If an ordinary citizen does it 100% of the blame goes to the gun. Thats why it really irritates me when I hear the antis say only law enforcement should be allowed to carry handguns. RANT OVER.
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