Home security systems that don't require a monthly fee?

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Oct 30, 2006
Just looking for some information home security systems, I've already done some poking around on Brinks and ADT's websites.

Does anybody offer a unit that you simply can install and link to window and door sensors? Basically the same as a Brinks/ADT system but without the company monitoring the system?

Radioshack sells a wireless one that can be configured to call you.

GE has a similar thing, but I think it is discontinued. I saw it on clearance at Lowe's a few months ago.
Home security companies install OK systems... sometimes at exorbitant markups... all with the hope of hooking you on the monthly fee long-term. There is a small benefit in that with a monitored system you have some expectation that the police will be notified of a break-in. And from my personal experience, it is indeed small.

If all you want is a loud siren-like warning sound to go off if your perimeter is breached, there are multiple solutions you can install on your own. And, there are often local companies that will sell and install systems for you that do not require signing up for any service. Commercial businesses use such systems all the time. Heck... you could even get one of the big guys to install a system and then just cancel the service... There are many options. A little effort with google can reveal many things. Good luck.
Not counting food/vet one of these does not have a monthly fee:

Gauranteed to trip the burglar when they try to walk by.


*Not my dog, but looks the same.
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Go to RadioShack. We have everything from simple door/window alarms all the way up to multiple sensor systems with autodialers, light/siren control, and triggered video recorders. If the local store doesn't have it in stock, they can order it direct from the warehouse to your residence at no shipping cost.
The only issue is my mom doesn't want a dog for some reason. I'm 20 years old, still living at home while going to school. Mom is a security conscious person who can handle herself with firearms and not so nice people, but dogs and paying a monthly fee are two things she doesn't want to do.

I was going to just pay for a system myself, but as dogloose says you really don't gain a whole lot for it. Besides that, I'm a young professional who is in school and working full time, cash is tight (after buying guns and knives :)).

I just want something to wake me up at night; I'm a very sound sleeper. I like to sleep with a fan on but it completely diminishes my sense of hearing while at night. A siren would help that.

Check this system. I'm looking into it when I move, not sure about quality or anything since I'm just now starting on it also. Pretty cheap if it works well.

Another option is to check the yellow pages for independent alarm guys, they aren't into the big companies and can give you a great system for a fair price and they're not into the monitoring game.
There are quite a few multi zone alarm systems for you home that you can wire up yourself if you are a little savvy with electricity. Most alarm systems in general are modular in nature, meaning you can plug in almost any type of sensor into them, and use any type of alarm output device you wish from audibles, to autodialers. Just do a little searching on the net and you can probably find something that will suit you.
FWIW, maybe if she shopped around, she could find a reasonably priced monitoring service, that would be worth the investment. It may not be right for everyone, but there are some advantages to having a monitored service.

* Many offer fire monitoring as well as burglary, so whether someone asleep being overtaken by smoke before they can do anything about it, or a thousand miles away, at least someone would be notified of a fire

* Some have 'real-time' monitoring, which bring an operator from the monitoring center on line through your speaker to get real-time info from you to share w/ emergency responders, especially if you can't get to a phone, or if you're away, they can tell someone's actually in the house, w/out relying on someone to answer the phone, and tell first responders what's going on.

Plus all the regular reasons. Sorry to hijack, but just thought sometimes people don't want to spend the $$ every month to monitor burgarly, but might be able to justify it if it monitored fire too, or don't know about the newer 'real-time' services, etc.

As for your actual request, I've searched for stuff like that before, for a relative in an apartment, you can find all sorts of inexpensive door and window alarms online, and even motion detector alarms, that are point-of-sale, no monitoring offered, no monitoring paid for. But, for a complete system, you could get one for free from many providers by signing up for the monitoring $20-$35 mo. maybe), while trying to sign up for the shortest term possible (1-3 yrs, depending on how much stuff they threw-in) and then once the contract is up, renegotiate a lower term (since the equipment is paid for by then), or if you pay for a system up front, you could get the lower monitoring ($15-$25 month).

But if you want the non-monitored, google stuff like window alarm, door alarm, home secuirty, etc., dig a little and you'll find some stuff.

Good luck whatever you do!

What about.....

I was actually looking for something for when we are home. As the previous poster mentioned, there are benefits to having a monitored service, but I would like to be alerted if somebody is breaking into my house. I had a monitored service when I lived in CA., and it was a nightmare. I only left it on once when I was out of town...and heard about it for 6 months from the neighbors. Would something like thishttp://cgi.ebay.com/129-pc-WIRELESS...3QQihZ006QQcategoryZ41969QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
Work for using when the wife and I are at home? I looked at the GE Simon 3 ( I think), but didn't know if the price differential was a factor in the wireless units. Buying a GE vs. a Generic brand....Will I be paying for a name, or do you think it is actually a better product.

If you don't want to go crawling around under the house running wires... look at any of these wireless systems:


I have not personally used any of them. I installed a hardwired system with an intercom in our house about 2 years ago. I got most of my components from these folks.

They have a forum, http://forum.homesecuritystore.com/ ... which is staffed by very professional, courteous people. That's a great spot to ask specific questions.

My monitoring is about $9/month. Of course, monitoring is entirely optional.

Again, my only connection to this outfit ... very happy customer.

Home security systems

You can buy ANY Brinks/ADT/Protection One security system online. Most use a Honneywell product. You need to know what you're dooing for self install or pay someone to install for you. There are wireless door/window contacts, wireless motion detectors, as well as wired components available.

Try going to: http://www.security.honeywell.com/hsce/

Look at the VISTA-32FB depending on the number of contacts wireless and hard wired you might need a different system. A system & installation is very expensive. I'd go with a monitored system and a 2 year service sontract it will actually be your least expensive option.
Lots of good info guys, I really appriciate it.

I'll start following all those links listed when I have some more time to do some reading.

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