Homeland Security officer charged in tourist beating

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I can tell some of you guys have never tried to restrain healthy adults who weren't just fooling around. It doesn't matter that she was a small woman. You can't say that was or wasn't appropriate force based solely on the news report.

Don't forget that they (officers or whoever) don't intend to go greco-roman wresting to get the job done. That is asking for injuries to yourself and you'd have zero control if there's more than one suspect. Pepper spray is way down the force scale since there's zero long term harm done. Wall slamming is a ways up the force scale, so I'm not automatically excusing that behavior but neither should you assume you can just hold out an arm and pin an unwilling "small female" suspect.
Penforhire , in consideration of the fact that you can kill someone by slamming thier head into something hard , "a ways up the force scale" is an understatement .
Let's see ..... on one side of THR we have a lot of whiners who complain that our southern border is wide open, terrorists and Mex's just strolling in. Here we have a guy in Niagara Falls, NY trying to do his job and he gets in a jam because of international politics.

According to the news (heh), other officers have claimed that the ICE agent did a real number on the lady. There is a big difference between detaining and going way overboard. I support defending our borders. I don't defend anyone beating the heck out of a lady without a very good reason.

We'll just have to wait until there is a trial and all the evidence is submitted. On the surface, it looks like the ICE agent went overboard and his fellower officers are calling him on it. We'll see what else surfaces.
Law-enforcement officials said Rhodes was suspended from his job, before being charged with a federal civil-rights violation involving bodily harm. The charge is punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine.

For once, the legal system is off to the right start. Our "homeland security" goons aren't above the law, and its a bit refreshing to see one of them actually charged with a crime after violating someone's rights. If an investigation finds him guilty, I hope he gets punished to the full extent of the law.
I was going to comment, but after the "should have thrown her in" comment, I'm too hopping mad.

Worthless thugs

I restrained dangerous criminals for 20 yrs.,I never made anyone look like THAT.If you cannot restrain a woman without kicking her ass you should be in another line of work.
Discoloration, some localized swelling, no fractures. Doesn't sound serious to me.

I'm all talked out on this thread.
So if your wife/girlfriend/mother/daughter came to you in her condition, your response would be "Discoloration, some localized swelling, no fractures. Doesn't sound serious to me"? Somehow I doubt that.
confiscated marijuana from a male pedestrian
And why don't we take a look at the idiotic circumstances that started this whole "international incident" while we're at it.

A freaking plant is enough to justify beating the crap out of anyone?

The "freaking plant" is illeagl contraband, regardless of your beliefs on the issue. The lady, for whatever reason, fled when ordered to halt. The officer detained her, possibly getting a bit rough with her..but Ive sen 95lb females beat the sh1t out of officers three times her size, so I will not make judegement on that one.

Point is, up until the point that he MIGHT have used excessive force, everything was justified.
Treated and released? Into a wheelchair? hmmmmm

If someone is admitted, a lot of hospitals insist on wheeling the patient to the door in a wheelchair, even if they're capable of walking.

The Chinese People's Liberation Army can knock down our US Navy planes but we can't detain one of their citizens running from a border crime scene.

De`tain´ Pronunciation: dė`tān´
v. t. 1. To keep back or from; to withhold.
[imp. & p. p. Detained ; p. pr. & vb. n. Detaining.]
Detain not the wages of the hireling.
- Jer. Taylor.
2. To restrain from proceeding; to stay or stop; to delay; as, we were detained by an accident.
Let us detain thee, until we shall have made ready a kid for thee.
- Judges xiii. 15.
3. To hold or keep in custody.
n. 1. Detention.

Nope, nothing in there about beating the crap out of someone. :rolleyes:
I wonder if we will ever know the details. Doesn't look good for the enforcer at this point...but who knows. Maybe it wasn't aggravated battery, which is what available information suggests. Until we find out the details, let's cool it. If found guilty, the perpetrator, not the taxpayers, ought to suffer full legal consequences (imprisonment and fine out of his own pocket).
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