Homeless Voice - Panhandlers - Fort Lauderdale Intersections

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Apr 11, 2007
Has anyone else here been harassed by those [people]?

So about a month ago, I'm on my way to the dentist in the morning, and I stop on a red light on the corner of Oakland Park Blvd and MLK Jr. (31st Ave) in Ft. L. Windows rolled up. One of those guys walks up with a cup and points it at me (as in, "Hey put some change here"). I say and signal "NO" by turning my head. Now at this point most of those guys normally get lost. Not this guy. He repeats the gesture while saying something, I think he was saying "dollar? 50 cents?" or something like that. I say "NO" again. Guy doesn't give up! He gets more pushy. So this time I yell "NO!" right at him. Now I know it might be rude of me, but he was not getting it. Anyways, so I yell at the guy "NO!" and he makes the "[]what what?!?!?" face at me and starts yelling! Walks in front of my car, points at me, yells, whatever. I was getting really annoyed, but never rolled down my window or anything, and the guy never touched my car. So I let it slide while watching his every move. A minute later the light turns and I drive off. In the mean time for about a minute the guy was all up in arms.

Fast forward to yesterday. I'm in my wife's car driving to a mall. Wife in the back with our 8 month old baby boy. SAME INTERSECTION. SAME GUY. CRAP! I stop on red, I'm the first car in the left most line (left turn onto Oakland heading east). He walks up with the money cup, points it at me and I THINK he might have recognized me, OR the strategy worked and he was pushy from the get go. He repeats the routine of asking for 50 cents etc. I again signal "NO", this time trying to stay much calmer (wife and kid in the car, don't want to stress them out). He's standing literally 1 foot outside my window, saying something to me. I look at him and tell him "I can't hear you man." while pointing at my ear. He gets irritated. NO WAY I'M ROLLING DOWN MY WINDOW. Wife get's a bit scared at this moment. He starts to walk in front of my car, looking very aggressive and putting his head to the windows looking into the car and mumbling something. He finally gets to the wife's side of the car while looking at her and kid, picking inside the car while mumbling. I instruct my wife to not even look at him (she knows better not to open the windows). At this point I'm thinking to myself "Just TRY to grab the door handle a-hole!" All the while Ruger LCP in my front pocket.

Thank goodness he gives up and walks up to the people waiting on the light to run behind me. He repeats the routine and after about a minute the passenger in the car behind me (it was a couple, guy was driving) roles down the window and gives him some change (BAD IDEA, reinforces bad behavior )... Light changes, I drive off...

Now I'm really upset with this crap. This is outright harassment. My wife told me later, if she was in the car without me, just her and our baby, she would have her hand on her gun (not exposed of course, hand in purse) very quickly and would have been scared []. I guess I can handle it much better. But I worry, wife drives there once in a while with kid. Now I told her, that if that ever happens, and guy tries to get inside, and YOU CAN DRIVE OFF, do it. If you're blocked and no way out, and guy tries to get in the car, or the window is busted or something... she knows what to do...

Anyways, what would you guys do in my situation?!?!?
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My suggestion is to not look at or acknowledge the beggar in any way. Once you say or indicate NO you are starting a conversation, which the beggar will want to continue. You have indicated to the beggar that he can make you respond to him initially, so he figures if he pushes you will give him money.

Other choice is to put one piece of empty range brass in the cup. Ask him if he wants the other half.
Call the police and report the idiot with a description and location. Say that he was threatening you, your wife and your kid. Don't report multiple incidents, put everything as if it happened with your wife and kid in the car.

Cops will let some panhandlers operate because they are not causing trouble, but when they are like that idiot the myriad of vagrancy, disturbing the peace and other laws can be used on him. I don't think serious jail time, but he might get a couple of months depending on his record and how he acts when the police show up.

In spite of everything though, you should do your utmost to treat everyone with a modicum of courtesy, even homeless people.
I was living in NY and it was notorious for having this problem - this was the Dinky administration. When dinkens mucked it up about as much as he could, Juliani moved in. One of his initial orders to the police was to crack down on the squeege people, as they were called. The cops did not allow them to congregate, they did not allow them to harrass and beg, and forced them to move on. Most of them moved out of the city (into Jersey or upstate NY) which became the first step in cleaning up the city. It became no problem to travel through Manhattan then. Getting rid of the squeege people led to cracking down on the porno shops, drug addicts and other low lifes. Before anyone realixed it, several large anchor stores moved in and the city became a relatively safe and enjoyable place again.

The begger you described will only escalate his act, to the point of either him or someone else getting seriously hurt - then the sheeple will say "how could this have happened?". Let the police know - at the moment, it's your only course of action - other than getting out of the car and pounding the crap out of the guy - but then you'll be the one charged for attacking a "poor defenseless homeless person" - "he wasn't hurting anyone, only wanted some money for food" - yeah, right!:banghead: I have no tolerance for these people what-so-ever.

Notify the police. They're your friends, they're here to help....
Different locations (/jurisdictions) are going to mean cops have different tools (laws & codes) to deal with this kind of behavior--and different levels of what the community is generally willing to put up with.

In my jurisdiction, the guy getting out in front of your car--impeding traffic--would be grounds for me to hook him for Disorderly Conduct. And in my community, I would. But this is a rural zone where such things don't fly.

Only way to find out the legal tools available to law enforcement in your area is to call them when it happens. Putting someone like this on the cops' radar is a community service.
We have the same issue here in Portland. On my way home from work I get off of Hwy 217 North at the Farmington/Canyon Rd. exit. Most of the time there are panhandlers there, but the Beaverton police are very good about responding quickly if anyone gets out of line.

Downtown Portland, however, is a different story. I've run into some VERY agressive panhandlers there. Most seem to be aware of just how far they can take it without actually breaking the law and the Portland police don't seem to be too concerned about it. In all fairness, I think they have bigger fish to fry, but it's one of the reasons why I just don't go downtown anymore unless I absolutely have to and am ALWAYS armed. The meth heads in particular are scary and very unpredictable.
They illegalized panhandling in MN...... the someone sued over it (ACLU?) and now they have to allow it!!!! (some kind of discrimination issue)

They are still not allowed to harass people..... and that sounds like what this guy was doing.... sadly, successfully....
Police need to be called on any panhandler that shows any sign of aggression. It also helps to have a small sign in the vehicle that says I've called the police then show them your cell phone, this a lot of times gets them to leave you alone,and another for other occasions a small sign that that says please call the police can come in handy.
I figured I could post the question in this thread: How do you safely give to non-aggressive homeless people? Toss some food and water (that can withstand impact) out the window as you drive by?
Safest way is to donate money,goods or time to a food bank or shelter,they can always use help.
How do you safely give to non-aggressive homeless people?

Volunteer your time at a homeless shelter or mission. Leave beggars and panhandlers alone. If they really want help, they know where to find it. Your fifty cents or half a ham sandwich from lunch handed over before the light turns green again isn't going to save their lives.
I grew up in S FL and still go there frequently, I know what you're talking about. Don't acknowledge him by saying "no". Just ignore him.

I also leave a car length or two between me and the next car if there is a beggar by the road. If he approaches your window continue to ignore him and pull up a few feet, they'll usually move onto the next car.
I preach the gospel to aggressive and non-aggressive ones then I give them a few bucks or some juices and lunchables.

ONLY after I have preached the gospel... if they stay to listen they get 2 bucks or some food. If I can't talk to them I don't give anything.
Since nobody else asked - I will:

Is it possible without too much inconvenience to avoid that problem intersection?

If that's possible, you will probably never see that guy again.

If not, I agree that calling the police - and holding up your cell phone to demonstrate having done so - should discourage the miscreant.

I also agree that volunteering at a shelter or food bank would be a good way to gain insight into the plight of those unfortunates.

Untreated mental illness, bad choices, and bad luck can happen to good people.
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In some larger cities, I've had beggars jump on my truck and hang on to the mirror while they begged for change. In one case, I had to drive with the guy hanging on.


That is pretty intense.

Call the police.

Treat people with some more dignity than a bloody road bump. The dude may be homeless, but that isn't an excuse to treat him like a dog. That being said, no means no, but you might want to work on the hand gestures, waving dismissals is what kings do... Kindness goes a long way. Maybe you can't volunteer to help people, but giving a dude a buck or some respectful words, even if it is to turn them away is not a burden.

BTW, if they spend it on drugs or liquor, at least they didn't have to rob someone. Just saying...
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I do know that yrs ago the lawyers went to court to have inmates from the institutions released,and now they are living in limbo.as they really cannot take care of themselves.so much for liberals helping.that was Mass.
Reminds me of the trins in Paris and they don't speak english either. Bad enough puttting up with here at home let alone in another country too. I sometimes feel sorry for the guys but being a teetotler I don't have much pateince for drunks and winos and such. That and being cheap I never spend change anyways. Goes into my special fund.
When accosted by Pan-Handlers I usually give them a really friendly how-de-do, then say 'No man, this while freaking 'economy-thing' has m[e] in-a-sling too. But hey, how 'bout a smoke?" And I offer him a Lucky Strike...and, sometimes we bat the breeze a minute, or as may be, and no wrinkles, no problems.

Next time they see me, they nod or wave at a distance, or as they pass by headed for other marks, and they do not bother approaching usually...or, if they do, it might be for, "Hey pal...you got another one of those good Luckys you can spare?"

And I say, "You bet pardner, sure do..." - and I offer the pack for him to pull one out...

I dunno...you bet these guys can be 'difficult' if they feel rubbed the wrong way!!


Rubbed 'right'...they are pretty well live-and-let-live...

If one has the slightest hint of resenment...and does not hand over some change or bills, then this can encourage them to see if they can cause more resentment, as a power move...and from this, things can escalate into a contest of resentment.

Not so good...

If I had a new shiney Car, wife-and-kids with me, I'd probably say "Change-Schmange!! All I got these days is a Gall-Darned Mortgauge and Credit Card Debt!!! And I don't think you want any of that, do you??You wanna trade places? YOU take The Wheel here, give me that 'sign' and you try it!!"

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Happens around here as well but I`ve never had an experience like yours.
Mostly somebody stands at a corner with a sign asking for money. Give or not, your call.
the cops here were busting the drivers that offered money to the panhandlers, along with the panhandlers. They can operate from the side walk, but if they step in to the street they get about three tickets, so they know that they'll lose all thier cash (tickets, booking fees etc.) if the cops catch them. That has made most of them rather polite. There WAS a panhandling ordnance, but then the ACLU got involved, something about depriving the bums of a way to make money.

Oh, the above was only done for ONE (1) week for the awareness, was on the news etc.
But guys, you gun-owning right-wingers made all of these poor people the victims of society that they are. You owe them a living.


(I'm kidding!)
Don't worry....I'm sure he'll be dead of a drug overdose or liver failure shortly.
At least in FLorida they don't touch your car. Here in Jersey they will bang on your windows, or spray **** on your windshield and start washing it without even asking.
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