Hope for NJ gun rights

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Do any NJ members think this guy has a chance, I'm originally from NJ and the laws make me sick. A few years back my cousin was in the proces of moving from S Brunswick to Old Bridge and got pulled over for speeding and as the cop was approaching his pick up he noticed an old bb gun in one of the moving boxes in the back of the truck and arrested my cousin for possession of an unregistered gun. Oh I forgot the f***ing thing didn't even work. Hopefully there are still enough NJ residents who haven't been brainwashed.
The press is already in the process of demonizing Lonegan and they will do whatever is necessary to secure a primary win for Christie, AKA Corzine-Lite.
How could Christie call himself a republican as none of his actions even remotely suggest it,especially his stance on the 2nd. Everything I've read about Lonegan suggests he really has his act together. I lived in woodbridge when Mcgreevy was mayor(thats all I have to say about that)
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