How many actually "use" the +1 when carrying?

Do you take advantage of the "+1" while carrying?

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May 31, 2005
Louisville, KY
Pretty simple question. A lot of posters put "such-and-such can carry X in the magazine, plus one in the chamber", so I'm curious--how many people actually put one in the chamber on top of a full mag, versus just using the first round out of the mag, while carrying? It is a feature that seems to get a lot of hype, but it's always interesting to see how many take advantage of this facet of semi-autos, be they BUGs, "Duty guns", or something in between.
So far I am the one dissenting vote.

My carry gun most of the time is a 10-shot 10mm Glock 29. Getting that last round in the mag is pretty difficult but I can do it. Seating a full magazine without the slide locked back takes quite a bit of pressure. Plus, I feel that the upward pressure of the tenth round against the bottom of the slide is significant.

Does it cause malfunctions? No, not that I can tell.

Does it make a tactical reload almost impossible? Absolutely.

I've just accepted that I load nine, chamber the top round, and then add one more to the mag for 9+1.

My extra mag also has just nine rounds, even though it has a 10-rd capacity. Easy to insert and click with minimal exertion when the slide is closed.
I use the +1 in my Kel-Tec P-3AT, and would in any other gun with a similar capacity. But I don't bother with the extra if I'm carrying a Glock 19.
In California???


Indeed, with our 10 round magazine law to keep us honest, tax paying, patriots, in check, and keeping us from going out of control vs the BG's who don't pay their taxes, obey any gun laws, hell, any laws. So, yep while out and about, in the concrete jungle, one chambered, 10 in the hole.

When I get home, I take one out of the magazines, to let the springs breath just a bit.. After all, they don't need max-out stress, all the time, either.. lol

Always. When I shot the competition (for the first time) I immediately grabbed a mag (from my back pocket) and chambered one, then swapped the mag for the other (in my back pocket). Then ran the course with the mags in my holder. Only time I don't have the +1 is after a range visit....and don't have enough ammo! lol That has only happened
My revolver only carries five, so I can't take advantage of the plus 1. Normally on an auto, I just chamber a round and do not top up a mag. I find that smacks of range behavior on a timed course. YMMV
Always. Furthermore, the police here assume it. When one takes a pistol for safety inspection (registration) they enter a +1 number for the capacity.
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