How often did you shoot when you were younger?

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From age 13 till 17 I shot four position small bore rifle twice a week plus matches on weekends. Shot out back and went hunting when I could too. And, believe it or not, this was in California. Course, it was Northern California in the late 60's and early 70's...
When I was younger I shot every week although the State only required us (as LEO) to qualify one time a year.

Now I am fortunate if I drag myself out one time a month. Being on a fixed income controls a lot of that. Living in the City I have range time plus the ammo to pay for.
Carlson1, welcome to old age AND, 'the club'!

I just paid $150.00 in order to be able to go shooting for a few hours once or twice a month throughout this winter. You're correct: Fixed income ain't no fun - Especially at the gas pump!
In my teen's, almost daily. Twenty's maybe twice a week, more during hunting season, my thirty's not very much, I was really working hard building my business. Now I'm in my 40's, and really only shoot in the winter months.
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