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Hunting myths that will mess you up!

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Staff member
Jan 28, 2003
Here are some things that are dead a$$ed wrong that will mess up your hunt big time.

1. "Hold high for an uphill shot hold low for a downhill shot..." WRONG WRONG WRONG!! Whether up or downhill a steep angle decreases your hold. You hold lower for either a steep uphill or downhill shot. It has to do with the angular vector of gravity acting on the bullet. A 45 deg angle either up or downhill decreases your bullets drop by something like 25%.

2. "All deer hunting in Texas is baited and behind a high fence." WRONG AGAIN! I've hunted Texas for years and but for one exception have never hunted a deer over a corn feeder or behind a high fence. There are some huge free range ranches and public areas in Texas that offer some very good free range deer hunting at some very reasonable prices. You just gotta look around. And I ain't telling you guys my secret spots so don't ask.:evil:

3. "Hunting behind hounds is unfair and easy that it shouldn't be considered a true hunt." Go book a bear or lion hunt in NM or some other place where it's still legal than come back and tell me how easy it was. Hound hunting is the most physically demanding hunt that you can possibly do. I guided behind hounds for year and number one problem I had was with clients who simply couldn't cut the physical aspects of the hunt.

4. "public land elk hunting in Colorado or anywhere for that matter is waste of time." I have to agree that if you don't know the area and you stick to the roads it can be a huge waste of time. But I have hunted every year in CO in some of the most used public areas and I have killed an elk every single year and most years two. The secret is, at least one ridge line over from the road and pick the most worstest looking steepest hell hole available then hunt the heck out of it.:)
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#4 is false. If you don't see animals from your ATV, there aren't any. Keep driving around. Please make noise. There's nothing over that ridge worth looking for.
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#7. Minimum adequate cartridge for elk is .270 Win.

I get so tired of hearing that line. It is pure horse poop.

I've never heard #2. Is that an old myth or just a line of BS that is spout from the lips of those who've never been to Texas? I've hunted deer there; no fences.
3. "Hunting behind hounds is unfair and easy that it shouldn't be considered a true hunt."

Yeah, and there's a lot of variations on that. Substitute "hounds" with "gun" or "bait" or "a drive"...... Why, a member of THIS forum even, in the last two months, has stated openly that in his opinion, if you're not using a bow, you're in essence a sadistic cheater, because using a gun to hunt animals is like shootng fish in a barrel, or some such. :rolleyes:
#8 Camo and scent cover are necessary to get close to game.

Tell that to the all the hunters over the centuries who never had access to such technology, yet somehow managed to pursue their quarry effectively...
I've never heard #2. Is that an old myth or just a line of BS that is spout from the lips of those who've never been to Texas?


I'd say option B check out post number three on this thread..http://www.thehighroad.org/showthread.php?t=484353

Unfortunately I see/hear it all the time from uniformed ignoramuses that spend more time on the net than in the field.

wow, since when did CO change the rules to allow more than one? When I lived there, one was all you got, of course back then there was no draw either


Actually you can have three elk tags in one year in Colorado. One draw, one over the counter or left over and one private land only. I usually draw one or buy an over the counter and then get a left over.

I don't know when that changed it's been that way since I first moved to CO about ten years ago.
3. "Hunting behind hounds is unfair and easy that it shouldn't be considered a true hunt."
I remember my boss saying, "What's so hard about hunting with hounds? You let them out of the truck, they chase the game up a tree, and you shoot it." I asked him why he left out the miles of hiking after the hounds between the letting them out of the truck, and the shooting? We didn't have ATVs back then.
I thought a .338 win was the absolute minimum for elk.;)

Funny guy!!:D

I was just popping back in, to post another one that really rubs me. It's just like the one I posted earlier.​

#9. You have to use a magnum rifle for___________. (no offense H&H:D)

As you might guess, I haven't found much use for anything LARGER than a .270win.
But then again, I haven't hunted anything larger than moose!​
#9. You have to use a magnum rifle for___________. (no offense H&H)

#10 Animals just explode when hit with a magnum cartridge and it ruins all the meat. No No No with a proper bullet a .300 win mag does no more damage than a .243 it just reaches out there a little furthur. My favorite rifle is the .270 win but if I am dropping big money to travel for a hunt. I am taking my big gun with; maybe more than needed but why take a chance.
#11......By taking a bite from the raw heart of fresh killed game, you will inherit the cunning wisdom and spirits of the deceased critter.

(caution: in some cases therapy may be required)
Always add a bay leaf for flavor as I see you did in that picture.:D

A properly shot animal will fall to the report.. WRONG! This is an old wives tail most properly shot critters will run some distance before falling and the bigger the critter is the further it may run even with a bullet though the heart. Cape buffalo have been known to live for over 30 minutes with a bullet through the heart. I've seen a perfectly shot whitetail run for over 200 yards with not much heart left.


Head shots are either a kill or a miss there is no way you can wound with a head shot. Absolutely WRONG! I've seen too many animals running around with their jaws blown off to buy that one. Unless you are super close and super a steady a head shot on your average critter is a recipe for disaster.


Ditto on neck shots. When they are done correctly they are spectacular killers but the is a whole lot of neck on a critter that will wound it leave almost no blood trail and cause the animal a long painful suffering death. Same as a misplaced head shot. My recommendation is that unless it is a special circumstance and you really know what you are doing leave the head and neck shots alone.
wow, since when did CO change the rules to allow more than one? When I lived there, one was all you got, of course back then there was no draw either

It is legal to have two elk licenses as long as one of them is an antlerless elk from a unit listed on list B of page 5 of the Big Game Brochure.

What the DOW says.. heh
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Another one that I hear from the people who aren't really anti hunting...but don't like the idea of harvesting Whitetail Deer:

"You oughta be ashamed! Huntin' poor, defensless Bambi."

If they'd ever stumbled onto a big buck in a rut, with his neck all swelled out and spoilin' for a fight with anything that crosses his path...they'd come away with a whole new view of poor, defensless Bambi...if they manage to come away from the encounter with all their parts intact and functional.
I guess all those deer I've seen killed, and killed myself with buckshot died of fright or something.
Isn't it amazing all the things we're told wont work after we've already done them? :D

"You oughta be ashamed! Huntin' poor, defensless Bambi."
Anyone that can't tell the difference between a cartoon character and a live animal isn't worth the time it takes to talk to them.

I absolutely crawl out of my skin when I have to hear a critter loving doofus say something like,

"Why would you want to kill an animal like that?!? What did they ever do to you?"

Oh yes, I hunt only out of vengeance.:rolleyes: Pa-leeze.
CoRoMo, if some gal pulls that on you, ask her if she drinks milk, and has she ever considered how that process began? :) You're a do-it-yourselfer after meat. Has she ever eaten a steak or hamburger? Is she afraid to get her hands dirty?

While I agree with H&H about the Bad Things which can arise from a poor shot at head or neck, I gotta ask Joe Average: So why don't you develop the skill level which keeps Bad Things from happening?
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