I didnt know where to post this

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Nov 14, 2017
Birmingham England
I didn't know where to post this, so I popped it in here.
Yesterday I was playing with my ATN Xsight 2, setting up my tablet with the WiFi to use as a monitor.
while moving the rifle and looking at the monitor I thought what a great and cheap way to take a mate who's blind shooting, I can spot for him and talk him onto the target, but he gets to squeeze the trigger and feel the recoil,,,,,,,,,,,, no doubt its already been done but my way means he can use any of my rifles not just a custom built job.
What do you guys think.
sounds great to me!
As long as the connection speed is high enough to be not have a lag as he moves the rifle that sounds really awesome (and even if it does you just need to wait a little between adjustments). Perhaps shoot steel poppers or gongs if you can, that way there is an audible way for him to know he hit his target....honestly i LIKE that sound way more than seeing a hole in the X.
Well we tried it this morning, battled through the snow to our shooting ground, set up the bench and a couple of seats, Gave Dave 5 dumby rounds to get used to things, in half an hour he had the gear placed where he could find it and was loading like champion. once he was comfortable handling the gun and ammo I set out a few balloons ( didn't have any steel) at 50 yds then 100yds took a few shots to gel and start working as a team but we got there. At 50y he was popping 90% and at 100y about 1 in 3, but hey he went home walking 6" above the ground. Yeh im patting myself on the back now but it really gave me a buzz to see my mate whole again, and yes I got wet eyes ( the low sun you understand).
Good on ya! Im glad that worked out for you guys. Im glad you thought of this as while i dont know any folks right now who are in the position, ill keep this solution for reference in the future.
As often as ive seen posts and articles talking about the wifi features on some of these scopes i think this is the first time ive ever seen someone do this. Again, great work getting your buddy out and shooting!

This thread got me thinking that It might be possible for someone to cut an app that produced an audio response the closer the crosshair came to the bullseye or a designated target. That might allow an observer to "designate" the bulls or a spot, and then once shooter is aligned close he/she can listen to beeps or something as moves the rifle closer to being on target.
I figured something like that might have already been done and i found this site which was kinda cool.
Thanks Wulfie, great info mate , ive passed it on to Dave and his Mrs. From what I over heard of a phone call between Lynda ( Dave's Mrs ) and my wife its seems she wants to try too, heard the Mrs say " I don't go cos im the only woman there, but if you want to try it ill come too" lol they were yakking for hours. Half time score Shooting 1 Shopping 0 ;)
Hi MS, Well its all on the ATN site, its just using a tablet or monitor to set the sight up so you don't have to glue your head to the scope, was very easy to set up I got my 10y/o grand daughter to do it for me. It just means you see on the tab/iphone/monitor what you see through the sight. really wasn't my idea , but had my g/kids watching me set up and that's when I thought maybe it would work for my mate.
Ok ill try and do a " How to" First buy a cheap android tablet or phone. Next switch on the WiFi in the scope. Now let the tablet find the WiFi app. Download.. and that's it. As I say I cant take the credit for this its all done by WiFi app
as a note, guys wanting to do this may want to go for a mid level tablet. The really cheap ones may not process the video, and or run the ap, smoothly enough for this to work well.
Ok guys an update for you. Dave and Lynda have joined the shooting club im in and will be full members early in the new year, Lyndie is applying for an FAC. LOL they have taken to shooting like ducks to water. Spent the last few evenings teaching them to reload. Got Dave sizing priming and seating and Lyndie does the powder and any measuring/weighing and keeps an eye on Dave. Its great they get started loading and in 10 mins they don't even know im there;)
Hi Wulfie mate how you doing buddy. Yes they really took this onboard, its great that Lynda got involved too, means they can go shooting as a couple and not have the "Gooseberry" me tagging along.
Doing good Tom! You know, you could always make it a double date.
My wife an i have taken a couple of our friends hunting a few times....girls have a blast, buddy usually says something stupid, and i get to chuckle and drive.
Great minds think alike lol lol only last night we were talking about the very same thing, get the holiday rush over ,,,,, ( all the kids playing with new toys ) We sort of worked out a regular once a month we would all go together,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, we had to promise the girls a day at the mall,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, well you cant win them all lol lol and there is a small gun shop there
Ok latest update, Dave and Lynda are now full member of the shooting club and should have their FAC's granted in the next couple of weeks. Meanwhile my twisted mind has been working overtime,,,,,,,,,,,, could we do the same kinda thing with a GoPro and a Navy 36 ??????
Its cool that they got so into it!
i think it would be harder as getting the camera to aligned with the sights qnd focused properly would be hard. Could be doable tho!

If the range is fairly short a laser might work well also.
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